Best [FF]riend fight turns into first time with a girl

It’s been a year since I said I would post a part two, so here it is. I’m sorry to everyone whom I’ve kept waiting. I wasn’t expecting all of the feedback I got, and it slightly scared me lol.

So just a small recap, me and my friend Love are best friends in high school, she and I have opposite friends but somehow remained extremely close.
We cuddled and spooned at night, where she would put my hand on her pussy. We got into a fight which ignited closeted feelings we had for each other for a while.

Best [FF]riend fight turns into first time with a girl [NSFW]

Disclaimer We are 18 in this story even though it takes place in highschool, we were seniors.
So during highschool, I was friends with very different people, from all different backgrounds and all different rankings on the popularity train. I wasn’t “popular”, meaning I didn’t go to games, I didn’t go to dances, and I rarely participated in school activities. I was definitely “too cool for school”. Yeah, it was a phase, I know. But at least I had good style. This is only important to note, because my best friend at the time, was probably the most popular person in pretty much all 4 high schools in the district. Everyone knew her, everyone secretly wanted to be her, and everyone wanted to be her friend, but she was terrifying at the same time. You didn’t want to get on her bad side. Let’s call her, Love. (and yes I’m totally picking that name because if you’ve seen You, this particular girl has similar traits, but not a murderer lol)
Love was about 5’0, very short but extremely proportionate. She had c cup tits and a big ass with a small waist. She was 1/4 Native American and 1/4 Portuguese and half white. She was a beautiful mixed girl, tan skin beautiful chocolate brown hair with hazel eyes. Her eyes were so piercing you could see a hurricane in them.