Taking her virginity, gaining a memory [FF]

Now let me set the scene. We were both 18 and freshmen in college at a small school outside of Metro Atlanta. I, Emmi, had come out to my parents a week into the school year. Katherine, Kay for short, was still locked in the closet even though it was glass. We all saw right through that. Kay and I had our freshman seminar together in a small room near the cafeteria on campus. At the very beginning of freshman year, I dated my first girlfriend, Allison, although she was a senior in high school we still got together every weekend. I tried to “fit in” at school and rush a sorority since it has such a deep connection to college life. My friends in the seminar class did not know I was bi until I told them that I did not get into a sorority and I was pretty sure it was because of the lifestyle I had chosen.