[FM] I [F21] cheated on my boyfriend with his older brother[M25]!! (Part 5 – last one)

Here is [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k4xvu8/fm_things_keep_escalating_with_my_f21_boyfriends/) and [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kb7kof/fm_things_still_escalating_with_my_f21_bfs/)and [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kte7zv/fm_something_finally_happened_with_my_f21/) and [Part 4.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qh80ge/fm_we_fucked_again_in_front_of_my_f21_boyfriends/)

[FM] We fucked again in front of my [F21] boyfriend’s brother[M25]!! (Part 4)

Here is [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k4xvu8/fm_things_keep_escalating_with_my_f21_boyfriends/) and [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kb7kof/fm_things_still_escalating_with_my_f21_bfs/) and [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kte7zv/fm_something_finally_happened_with_my_f21/).Sorry I have been MIA. Almost a whole year since my first post… wow! My life kinda went to shit for awhile there, but I’m doing better now, so I’m back on my bullshit.

For reference (or if you haven’t read the other parts), [here is a similar pic of what I look like](https://imgur.com/a/541m7B7). This is NOT ME obviously, but there is a resemblance.

Anyway, where were we? Ken was home and Tom gave us some space – he stayed with a friend for about a week and when he came back, things were seemingly back to normal. Well, I guess as normal as they could be. I was always comfortable around him, wearing large t-shirts with a thong or tight yoga pants/shorts around the house, so that didn’t change… but Tom stopped trying to pretend he wasn’t checking me out all the time. I would sometimes catch him staring at me with those eyes and I just knew what we were both thinking. But nothing actually happened. Just a lot of build up.

[FM] Something finally happened with my [F21] boyfriend’s brother[M25]!! (Part 3)

**Here is** [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k4xvu8/fm_things_keep_escalating_with_my_f21_boyfriends/) **and** [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kb7kof/fm_things_still_escalating_with_my_f21_bfs/) **if you missed them.**

Wednesday night. Remember, this is our last night alone. Tom is supposed to come home tomorrow (Thursday). I’m sitting in the living room, watching Netflix eating leftover pizza. Tom comes home and after a few minutes, he joins me. He got me a tea… something he knows I like. Oh no. “Uhh thanks? Where’d that come from?” He says, “I just thought of you on my way home. Don’t make it weird.” We both laughed at that. Whew, are normal again?

A few hours later, I’m in my room. He knocked, I told him to come in. I was changing my sheets, listening to music, that kind of thing. I just finished showering and got ready for bed. I’m wearing a long see-through white night dress. I’m only wearing a white thong to match. His eyes widened and zero in on my perfect breasts (I am a 32F). I pretended like I didn’t know what the big deal was. (I still don’t know why I did this lol I thought maybe since he’s seen them before, it’s fair game.)

Me: Hey, what’s up?

[FM] Things STILL escalating with my [F21] bf’s brother [M25]… (Part 2)

OK, so where did I leave off? Here’s [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k4xvu8/fm_things_keep_escalating_with_my_f21_boyfriends/) if you need to catch up.

So Friday night… after what happened, we were just laying there (now fully clothed again) and I blurted out, “I don’t know what’s gonna happen… there’s things i want to do with you, but we both know we can’t…. right? “ I was trying to see if he felt the same way… does he want me too, but afraid to act on it? Or is he satisfied now that he’s seen my tits and came all over them? We haven’t laid a finger on each other at this point.

He said “Yeah… I hate that we’re in this situation. We did this to ourselves…” That honestly made me feel so much better to know that we were both on the same page.

He said, “Should we set up some ground rules or something?”

Me: “Like what?”

Him: “I dunno, well definitely you can’t be masturbating out loud in your room because… well… ” He gave me a look and I knew exactly what he meant.

[FM] Things keep escalating with my [F21] boyfriend’s brother [M25]… don’t know how much longer I can hold off…

I cannot believe this is happening. I’m kind of freaking out, so I thought I’d type this all up. It’s a pretty complicated situation.

I have been with my bf (Ken) or 5 years. He’s been the only person I’ve been with although I have a lot of guys trying to hit on me all the time. He’s a bit territorial but he cares and also he takes care of me. He’s clearly the “alpha” of our friendgroup. I’m taking a break from uni right now and working a side gig (from home) and he’s still going to school. The thing is, we live in Canada, but he goes to uni in a different country. He’s been there since September and he came home last week. But… he needs to self-isolate for 2 weeks, so he’s been staying in a hotel until he comes home.