[F] 23. I love the subtle power imbalance in straight sex

Less of a story and more just a horny rant with some tidbits from my past hookups.

I love the implied dominance that men have in the bedroom. I know this isn’t the case for everyone, but in my experience, and I assume for the majority of women, there are universal parts of sex that are clearly favored towards men or even flat out misogynistic. I find that really fucking hot and I want to talk about it, so here we are.

I get that sex is a spectrum and vastly different for everyone, different strokes for different folks and all that. But I feel that there are just these moments in what we think of as normal sex where women are expected to submit. Maybe others see it differently, but I definitely don’t feel like an equal when your cum is dripping off my face or when I’m stuck with the taste of cum on my tongue lol.

[F] 23. Had a condom break while I was hooking up with my FWB, and I ended up letting him finish raw

Been playing around with this one for a while now… it’s a little different than my normal writing style, but I think I’ve finally done the memory justice. Hopefully it’s a fun read

This guy is always a good fuck, but this time was particularly amazing. It had been like a week and a half since we last fucked each other and we were both very eager to make up for lost time. It was the sort of sex that just sweeps you up and makes you forget about anything and everything else. Where you just lose yourself in the passion, and pleasure goes from a desire to a need. In that moment, I *needed* him the same way I need to breath.

He had me bent over the side of his bed, my legs dangling limply over the edge and my jeans still clinging around my knees where he left them. He had been methodically fucking me from behind for the better part of 10 minutes. I was desperately arching my back and pushing my ass back into him to try to get each stroke just a little deeper. The only sounds in the room were him clapping against my ass, and the moans he was forcing out of me with every thrust, but it was somehow deafening. I always try to be quiet but he seems to take pride in making me loud, and I don’t think any of his roommates have any doubts about what sort of girl I am at this point lol.

[F] 23. Let my FWB talk me into doing something I shouldn’t have and it was incredibly hot

This just happened recently and I haven’t gone more than an hour without thinking about it since, so I knew it was basically just a matter of time before I made this post lol.

My FWB invited me over to his place in the afternoon last week to “hangout”. I already knew what that meant—I’ve gotten into the habit of going over to suck his cock after my last class every Thursday, and this dude just expects it at this point. We’ve never actually talked about it, but it’s like there’s an unspoken agreement that Thursday afternoons are for blowjobs.

This time wasn’t any different, we talked for a bit on his couch with something on the TV. I eventually ended up laying with my head in his lap, while I teasingly dragged my fingers over the length of his growing bulge. I did that for a while as he grabbed my ass and watched TV, though I’m not sure how much he was actually paying attention. Once he had enough of my teasing, he unzipped his pants and sternly told me he needed to feel my mouth. I was a bit hesitant because we were still in his living room and he has roommates, but he insisted they wouldn’t be home for some time. We haven’t been caught yet, so I just went with it and got down on my knees before slowly taking his cock into my mouth.

[F] 23. My FWB is a dick, but I put up with him because the sex is actually AMAZING

This ended up becoming a huge wall of text that’s mostly just a stream of consciousness, but hopefully its still an enjoyable read. Definitely felt good to write it down, so I think mission accomplished.

I first met him when we were in the same class and introduced through some mutual friends. Literally started hitting on me minutes after hello, in front of the same mutual friends. I had a boyfriend at the time so I shut him down quickly, but I can’t say I wasn’t interested. Even though he’s a dick, it’s hard not to like him—he’s charming, easy to talk to and incredibly attractive. Perfect example of the tall, dark & handsome dream guy.

He’s fun, but it’s always been pretty clear that his only interest in women is fucking them. Pretty sure he’s tried to hook up with every girl in our friend group at some point. Normally I would have never even given someone like him a chance, but my longtime boyfriend and I broke up a few months ago and I wasn’t acting like myself. I was honestly being a bit self-destructive and was just looking for a rebound, it didn’t matter who it was. I knew he was a sure thing, plus, he was/is hot so it just kind of made sense at the time. Our friend group went out to a bar one night and he was touchy & flirty with me as per usual, but this time I encouraged it. I got very drunk and ended up going home with him after some trashy kissing & heavy petting at the bar.