Let me (27F) tell you. Working as the receptionist at a tech-ish company, on a half day, the day before a three day Holiday, a MONDAY… is dreadfully boring. My office is pretty low-key. Dress is pretty casual, people work from home a lot. There weren’t any meetings scheduled today. My boss wasn’t there so I extra didn’t feel the need dress up, happy to chill in a slightly oversized sweater, leggings, and 4” heeled black combat boots that bumped me up to a whopping 5’5” and made me feel like a badass.
I held out some hope that the day would pass along quickly enough since at least I got along with the handful of people who actually came in today. One was a friend on IT who is the closest thing I’ve had to a work husband. Another was, of course, the forever-just-out-of-reach work crush. I was hoping I’d go out for drinks after work with said crush, but I missed my shot (or he hates me. He probably hates me and I’m doomed to suffer this eternal crush until one of us finally quits this job that we both aren’t actually sure we want) and that ended up being a bust.