I think this is my best one yet, but I want to keep improving. PLEASE let me know what I did well and what I could improve! Enjoy!
I can’t sleep. I woke up maybe half an hour ago and can’t get back to sleep. It must be two or three in the morning. I wish I could get into a more comfortable position, but I don’t want to wake you up. At this time of night, surely you’re fast asleep. We finally got the baby to sleep through the night in her room, so I’m sure you’re just wanting to sleep as much as you can. As I lay here staring at the darkness, something seems…off.
That’s when I realize the bed is moving, ever so slightly. I think at first maybe you’re changing positions in your sleep, but the movement is too subtle. And it’s still going. And then I have my second realization: you’re breathing a bit faster. You’re facing away from me, but all at once I put it together. You’re not asleep either.