Summer Camp At The Lake – The Creature Within (F19/Creature) (Tenticle) (NSFW) (Commission)

This is a small extract from a commission I am currently working on for a redditor. He wanted each chapter to switch POV between the main protagonist and the Creature. I’m thinking of setting up somewhere to post my commissions and originals so I may use reddit to post extracts and do the full works somewhere like Patreon or something idk. Feel free to message me if you would be interested in something like that or if you would like to talk about a commission.


The scent of Ashley’s sex hung thick in the room. The creatures long probing tentacle had compressed to slide under the door and now slowly snaked their way in the direction that the scent was strongest. A thick film of sticky liquid left in its wake.

As it got closer it began to quiver with excitement. This scent was stronger than anything it had encountered before. This could finally be the host it longed for. A host that could carry its young to completion and provide the nutrients they needed.

It snaked its way silently across the wooden floor of the cabin following the delicious scent of Ashley’s still moist pussy. It ignored the other 5 beds in the room, none of those smelled of fertility like this one did.

Categorized as Erotica

Sleep Walking in Familly Home (M25/F18) (incest) (breeding) (NSFW)

This story is a short commission I did for a redditor. Usually I work with much longer pieces but I’ve found since coming back there’s a lot of people looking for a more budget friendly short scene. They set the scene/fantasy/idea and I give a tiny intro of exposition before getting straight into the smut. This is about 1500 words so I’d say about as short as a good scene could be. Obviously 7000 word short stories with back story and character interation are more engaging for a.. uh more involved “reading session” but sometimes you just want a 5 minute quickie… quick read that is.

He gave permission for me to share this and has asked me no to change the names…


After a car accident Shaun (25) moved back into his parents house and has been on some strong pain killers. They have caused a few side effects like sleep walking. The family have laughed about the mess outside the fridge in the mornings but little did they know that’s not the only place he’s been leaving a mess…

Charlotte was awoken, once again by the click of her door. She sucked in a sharp breath as her skin electrified with anticipation.

A New Hope Part 1 (SCI-FI) (F36/F19/?) (NON CON) (NSFW)

Just trying somthing a bit diferent for my first one back in a while, hope you enjoy xxx


03.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log001



“Day one on Planet #666. All 69 crew members are out of stasis, all vitals are steady. Sensors have begun atmospheric scans. Internal cameras all online. External cameras are sporadic at best. Engineers have discovered a weak electromagnetic signal they currently believe is to blame. Once they have clearance to go topside they will try to troubleshoot. Not much else to do but wait until the scans are done.”

04.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log002



“Initial scans are positive. Oxygen/Nitrogen balance deemed sufficient for human life. Final scans should be done by this afternoon. The captain is itching to step out onto solid ground after all these years in cryo. Can’t say I feel the same way. This lab is home to me, ill leave the exploring to the sufficiently trained marines.”

05.06.2074 New_Beginnings_Ship#079_Audio_Log003



Katey Needs Help Sleeping Part 2 (NSFW) (CHEATING?) (M/F) (BLOW JOB)

/A much requested part 2 to one of my stories. I’m still setting my profile up on a third party freelance site but if you have any enquiries about commissions feel free to message me!

Staring at Tom, still fast asleep, Kateys chest rises and falls as she contemplates whether she had just cheated on him.

Reaching over her body she fumbles around in the darkness for her phone. Pulling it up to her chest she’s greeted by the picture of Keith’s massive cock once again. A feeling stirs inside of her crotch once more. Disgusted with herself Katey locks her screen and tosses the phone off the side of the bed.

“What the fuck was that Katey?” she quietly whispers to herself.

The bed sheet sticking to her ass a stark reminder of her unfaithful orgasm just minutes ago.

As she lies there once again staring at the ceiling she begins feeling another frustration build inside of her.

“Fucking ironic, I fucked myself senseless to help me sleep. But now the guilt is going to keep me up all fucking night”. She muses angrily to herself.

Emily Wants to Feel Dirty (NSFW) (MF) (CHEATING) (PUPLIC) (CREAMPIE)

// This is a story legth commission for a redditor that I have just delivered (6200 words). Great client to work with, gave a decent outline to follow and has already started the process for a sequel! Hope you enjoy!


Sitting in a booth, alone, at a club… this wasn’t how my night was supposed to go. 

“Anna why, for fucks sake did I believe you this time?” I whisper to myself as slowly swill my vodka lemonade. 

The muffled music from outside the lounge bar has begun to grate on me as I stew.  The events of the last few hours lazily drifting through my mind.

“Double date clubbing! Yea fucking right.” I thought to myself. 

Looking back I couldn’t believe I had trusted that it would be different this time. Anna promising she wouldn’t get worked up on the dance floor and Stephan promising he would stop her if she did.

“Fucking swingers” I sigh as I allow a smile to creep across my face.

She and Stephan have an open relationship. Which in translation meant going clubbing, having Anna grind against a random guy’s crotch for an hour while stephan rubbed his cock conspicuously through his pants until finally they all jumped into a taxi home to finish the job.

Stuck In The Car With Alice (NSFW) (M/F) (CHEATING) (PUBLIC)

//when I’m writing commission’s sometimes I feel my writing getting clunky or the story running into a dead end. When that happens I quickly bang out a short story to get the juices flowing again. I hope you enjoy and feel free to check out my profile for more!


“How much further?” I ask for the 3rd time.

Gareth turns his head slightly “Dude, she weighs like 90 pounds stop complaining for fuck sake. It’s like 10 more miles.” 

With a sarcastic smile Alice pipes up “Yea asshole, are you trying to make me feel fat?”

“No but your ass bone is digging straight into my thigh!” I retort frustratedly.

I can feel my leg going dead under the weight of Alice’s small frame. We’re packed into the back seat of Gareths fiesta with 2 of our other mates and I’m the lucky fucker whos drawn the short straw to double deck it with Gareths girlfriend.

I turn to my side and feel a sting of envy as I see Dave and Sarah both happily snoozing. “Two fucking hours and those two have slept through most of it” I grumble to myself.

Katey needs help sleeping [F] [maturbation]

Just gone out on my own doing erotica commissions after working with someone collaboratively for a year. This one is an example of a quick straight to the point story. Let me know what you think!


The Frustration of insomnia… You try to turn off your mind, turn off your body. Nothing works. Nothing. Fucking. Works.

Katey stares at the ceiling focusing on her breathing, desperate to sleep. She turns her head to face her bedside table. The clock taunts her. 3:12am. “Fuck” she groans to herself.

Katey swivels her head to face her sleeping boyfriend. He’s lying on his back blissfully unaware of her predicament. 

“Bastard can sleep through a fucking car wreck” she mutters.

“Maybe I can try the “thing” she thinks to herself. With that she reaches her hand down under the covers. It glides softly down over her chest, past her belly button and wriggles it’s way into the waistband on her panties. 

Concentrating, she pictures her boyfriend Tom between her legs. She imagines him slowly sliding his tongue up her slit, savouring the taste of her sex. With this image she begins to tease her index finger in circles around her clit.