[MF] I sexted my taken friend during the middle of a conversation about video games

Quick context: This friend lives in Australia and I live in the US so we have a 14 hour time difference between each other

So the other day something pretty incredible and shocking happened. I was talking to a friend about video games like we normally do. It was like 9pm on my side of things. We were just doing our usual chatting. She mentioned she had went clothes shopping and did some gardening and I mentioned that it had been a while since I went clothes shopping and that I noticed I needed new underwear. She said she had did some underwear shopping to which I asked “Didn’t you do that the other day?” (she had posted a picture of some lingerie she bought to her story the other day to which I had replied “Lucky Mike”, the name of her boyfriend). She said did some more and the conversation started to move to a video game she brought up. Pretty standard stuff.