hey there i am new here, i wrote a small part of a sexual erotic encounter and wanted u guys to help me improve and maybe refer me to adult literature work that could improve mine.
i would like to mention that it’s not finished but i did not want to continue without checking if my work holds any merit first and is not basically horse crap.
thank you
As she was laughing from my joke she lightly brushed her soft hand against my shoulder, my hand moved of its own gently placing itself on her arm, setting my heart ablaze.
As Her gaze constantly venturing between the lust in my eyes and the hunger of my lips, she dares to slightly close the mirrors of the soul and lean towards me
In this moment i dare to wait for a moment and admire the beautiful being that is before me, from her beautiful green eyes to her large luscious breasts, to the majestic peach shape of her godly bottom and all the way back to the stuttre of her sexy dark lips, i take her all. I lean in, gently placing my hungry lips on hers, i can feel my heartbeat being placed by an orchestra of thunderstorms, she starts sucking gently on my upper lips, as she does, i notice her sweet scent. my nostrils widen, my pupils dilate, and i take a one last breath of sanity before becoming an animal tasked with the soul purpose of succumbing to the pleasures of the flesh.