I fucked my childhood friend [MF]

Have you ever been to Amsterdam?

To me, it’s the perfect city. It’s a semicircle of concentric canals, with small roads occupied by thousands of bicycles, and six-storey Victorian or earlier townhouses.

The people there are beautiful: straightforward, tall, thin, and handsome. The music scene is great, the beer is amazing, and you can walk pretty much from one end of the city to the other.

I’d know Edward for fifteen years then. We’d been at Primary School together. We were inseparable as children; I loved him. He was my best friend. We started growing apart when we were nine or ten – as boys and girls who are friends do – and went to separate Secondary schools.

For Americans, Primary School is ages 5 – 11. Secondary School is ages 11 – 16. I met Edward when I was 5.

We did our own things through Secondary School. Our families were close, and I saw him at barbecues or around the New Year. He was awkward, seemingly always covered in acne. His limbs always the wrong length. I wore dresses and flirted with his older brothers.

my boyfriend was passed out, so I fucked his best friend [MF] [MFM]

It was one of those parties people used to have.

No agenda, not many people. Enough booze to get pretty wasted.

Peter was my boyfriend. James was his best friend. James’ parents were away.

We were in our last year of sixth-form, which, I think, is what Americans call ‘High School’. The last year before we all went off to University, if we were smart enough, or if we weren’t, we wouldn’t.

James lived in a suburb of a suburb. Way out of town. It was May. It was a train ride there, and the trains ran every hour. At the end of the train ride, there was a lazy half-hour walk to James’ house. We – Peter and I – did the walk holding hands. A couple of his friends were there too, walking with us. In my memory you could hear crickets, and see lens-flares.

We were sweating a little when we arrived. James lived in a beautiful, identikit Barratt home: faux red brick and double-glazed windows. Indoors it was cool. I was wearing a short blue and white striped dress, and I could feel the leather of the sofa on my thighs when I sat down.