[FF] An amazing first time.

Me, and Alice, finished our shift at around one in the morning. At 18 years of age, we were both summer interns at this amazing 5-star beach hotel and, after a particularly good service, we found ourselves not wanting to go back to our rooms right away. So, we decided to go for a moonlit walk on the beach, instead. It was the middle of summer and, even that late, it was still about 30°C.

Alice was, truly, an amazing girl. Beautiful, petite, redhead, with dark green eyes and the most amazing smile. She was extremely smart and funny, confident, adventurous… everything I, myself, hoped to be. I was fascinated by her, in every regard. Because we began our internship in the same day, and we were always assigned the same shifts, we were drawn to each other’s company and became good friends pretty quickly.

After walking along the beach for a while, we sat down in the sand in a somewhat secluded area, talking and laughing, as if we had known each other for much, much longer than a mere couple weeks. It was late. The moonlight shinned on the still ocean’s surface. There was no one left on that beach, but us, and I was thinking to myself how perfectly romantic this whole situation was, and how much I had enjoyed Alice’s company, since the very first day we met.