Charlie Part 3: The Unexpected Visit [MF]

Some housekeeping before I start writing:

First of all, HUGE thank you to everyone who read/liked/followed after my last couple stories. I had a really fun time writing them, hope you enjoyed reading them.

Second thing, I want to apologize for not following through with the cliffhanger I wrote at the end of my last story. After some thinking, I decided that the story actually was a little too vanilla, and I’m not really about hyperbole or exaggeration just for the sake of some upvotes.

BUT little did I know that there would be a third part,just a wholly unexpected part 3, over a month later and in an entirely different location. But same girl. That’s what this story is about

If you want to catch back up (the plot isn’t relevant, but the descriptions are)
[Part 1](

[Part 2](


Following the excitement of my week on vacation, I returned back to reality a little more tan, a little more satisfied. But very quickly, the monotony and boredom of the real world set back in. Vacations are great, but you ever have a really good one, so good that it makes work that much harder to return to? That’s what I was facing.

Spying on then taking the virginity of my vacation neighbor [MF] Part 2

For context, here’s [Part 1](

So the next day I awoke full of expectation, well satisfied with the night before but definitely wanting more. I mean, this girl was HOT. I don’t know how many times I have to say it but it’s worth repeating: I don’t think I am a bad looking guy, but Charlie was definitely way out of my league. She and I are not even really playing the same sport. So yeah, I was pretty thrilled with the way things had turned out and was definitely looking forward to the next one.

I went through most of the day the way I usually would: sleep in a bit, have a big breakfast, then spend the late morning and all afternoon on the beach. I was pleasantly surprised when Charlie and her family set up their beach chairs perfectly in my line of sight, so every time Charlie stood up or shifted I got a great view of that ass. I was so ready for it, I could barely contain my excitement. To keep people guessing, she and I also had to act very new around each other, so as to not give off the hints of familiarity like anything had happened.

Spying on then taking the virginity of my vacation neighbor [MF] Part 1

My [last one]( did good numbers: can’t promise this one will be as wild, but was still fun

Also note that this occurred during the SAME week as the previous story: what a fucking week it was


Backstory: my family has a house on the beach that we’ve owned since the 70s. I spend a lot of time there every summer. It’s a small neighborhood, so we’ve gotten to know the other families super well. Most of them are like us: a vacation house that is shared between large extended family members from out of town. So while I might be there in June and see one group of neighbors, if I went back in August it could be a totally different group. Get the picture?

Because I have been going there my whole life, I know by name almost every person who stays at the houses on our block (it’s not that hard, there’s only 7 houses). Since I was about 11 or 12, I have always wanted to go down to the house and meet a cute girl and have a summer fling like you’d see in the movies. Unfortunately, it has never happened. Until now

Amateur photography session turned threesome [MFF]

Disclaimer: I used to post consistently on this sub (and others, including some pictures) but I lost the password to my account and have been unable to get back in (shoutout u/bceagle23). Not going to repost old stories here, but will start by sharing more experiences

*This one actually happened like 3 days ago

I have only had one other threesome in my life, and the circumstances that caused it to happen were so unique that I was sure it would never happen again. While overall it was a positive experiences, it was also challenging in many ways. This one was much more unexpected and much more fun

So my family has a house on the shore in New England (not going to specify where sorry) that we share with my whole extended family. So I spent multiple weeks every summer here as long as I can remember. I have had my fair share of sexual encounters at the house, using dating apps or connections that have been made over the years. But none compare to this one.