Tato’s List by Elbowsnapper (NSFW, THREESOME.) part 2

**12k out of 140k book**.

Chamada’s voice cut across the Arena in a howling shout.

“This is it! The first round of the finals! BEGIN!” Chamada shouted.

Claire immediately dashed from his place on the sand towards his opponent, Gregor the Bold lifted his pillar and swung it low to the ground sending a wave of sand up into the air. Claire swung his sword at the wall of sand, and the force of his swing was enough to cut it horizontally, just in time for Gregor’s pillar to appear through the empty section of the sand wall and start its terrifyingly fast journey towards Claire’s head.

Gregor’s arm suddenly began moving much slower for some reason, and it gave Claire enough time to leap up into the air and twist over the pillar, only just clearing it in time. His sword had already begun to glow a bright red before he had even left the ground. Claire touched down and, with a swing of his sword, unleashed a wave of fire that smashed into the sand and overran it in an instant.

Tato’s List by Elbowsnapper (NSFW, THREESOME.)

**12k preview chapter of my 140k book.**


Shin watched the sunrise behind the mountains.

Despite the sky being almost entirely covered in clouds, light still managed to break through and illuminate the city of Cloudhall. The city itself was massive, spilling outwards over the surrounding lands in every direction, and it was ringed with a stone wall that towered above most of the buildings. Its purpose to stop the mammoth-sized monsters that lived outside it from laying waste to the city whenever they grew too curious about the humans inside the settlement.

Occasionally one of the monsters would test out the city defenses and even smash down a wall or two. Still, the city was filled with heroes, adventurers, monster slayers, and even a monster response unit, so the offending monsters never lasted long against the response.

Shin himself was in training to join the Monster Hunters. This elite group would be sent out on missions to hunt down dangerous monsters for resources, to protect other settlements, or to remove the threats before they could become more significant problems.