Our First Swing – Epilogue [MF]

Ok so I wasn’t planning on adding more to this series, because the main thing I wanted to get out was the experiences that led to the first time my wife and I fucked other people and I think I (finally) got to that in my previous post.

But enough people said they wanted more so I guess I can wrap that weekend up before writing up some of our other encounters.

After I came in Mary’s tight pussy, it was almost an awkward atmosphere in the room. I don’t know about other men, but for me it usually takes a bit of time for me to be ready for round two. So in the mean time, I was sitting there with a quickly softening dick, surrounded by two gorgeous naked women, and my wife and my friend on the other couch, naked and watching the show we just put on.

It took a bit of time, but Oliver and I were eventually ready to each go again. This time Jenni decided to tag team him with my wife while Mary and I got some time alone. The first time I was inside her was pure desire and need. Now that I had gotten one orgasm out of the way, I could take my time.

Our First Swing – Part 3 [MF] [FMF]

So after a very eventful morning, with both Mary and Jenni playing with me until I came, I knew it was going to be an eventful day. I got up to shower and clean up, and ended up joining my wife for the tail end of her shower.

“You look satisfied,” she teased as I got into the shower with her. I could only smile in response.

“So, we’re doing this, right?” she asked.

“I mean, I think we’re way past the point of no return now.”

“And you’re ok with me being with Oliver?”

“I mean, I can’t complain, can I?” I responded. “Jenni and Mary both were saying they wanted me to have sex with them today.”

We’d been talking and teasing about swinging for a few months now, and it seems like what my wife was most excited about was the prospect of sharing me with others. She began to lightly stroke my soft dick at this point. The hot water and steam, the conversation, and of course my wife’s sexy body all combined to have an effect on me. My wife leaned in as I grabbed her round ass. “I want to watch as they experience this dick for the first time. I want to see you fuck them hard and hear their moans as you stretch them out.”

Our First Swing – Part 2 [FMF]

I woke up the next morning and found the bed empty. That’s not unusual. My wife almost always wakes up earlier than me. I’m not a morning person by any stretch. I’m groggy and disoriented for the first few minutes after I wake up.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen. What I saw woke me up fast. My wife, Mary, and Jenni all standing around the kitchen island, coffee mugs in hand, naked from head to toe.

I suddenly remembered last night. My wife and I having sex in front of our friends in the hot tub. Mary jokingly declaring the cabin a clothing optional resort. Jenni rubbing herself to orgasm not two feet away from me. In my morning fog I hadn’t been thinking about any of that, but seeing those three women greeting me wearing only sheepish smiles, it all came back.

“Look who finally decided to show up,” my wife teased.

“I think he would have woken up earlier if he knew what our outfits of the day would look like,” Jenni joked.

Our First Swing – Part 1 [MF] [MF]

So my wife and I have been “swingers” for a few years now. I use quotation marks because we’re not big on the swinger party scene, we’re fairly picky with who we play with. But I certainly wouldn’t go as far as to say we’re poly.

Anyways, labels aside, it started with a mini vacation we did with a few of our friends. In grad school I met two women I got along really well with, Mary and Jenni. After our masters program was over we remained good friends, and when Mary started seeing another guy from our university, Oliver, all 5 of us would hang out regularly.

As far as swinging goes, my wife and I joked about it for years. We have a tendency to never really sit down and talk seriously about things. We joke for a while about it, teasing the other, kind of gauging how the other feels about it. I could tell based on our jokes as well as our pillow talk that both of us were somewhat interested in it.

[MF] [MF] Swapping with our best friends

As I mentioned in my previous post, my buddy Tim and his wife wanted to dip their toes into the world of wife swapping with me and my wife. This resulted in an amazing evening where I went over to their house and spent some time welcoming Natalie into this world while our spouses went out to dinner. While Tim was ok with me and his wife being together, Natalie knew herself and her insecurities and knew it would take some time for her to warm up to the idea of sharing Tim with my wife. Totally understandable and we weren’t pushing them in that direction, especially since my wife seems more turned on by the idea of sharing me than playing with others herself.

A few weeks went by since that first encounter. We had all hung out a few times since then and everything was normal between the four of us, as it always had been. But there had also been some planned encounters just with me and Natalie. To say that we were sexually compatible was an understatement. Obviously, no one rivals my wife, but the way Natalie and I were able to explore and please each other was incredible. Each encounter was better than the last.

[MF] The time my buddy invited me to take care of his wife

~ This story has a bit of build up, if you want to skip to the action, scroll down to the break ~

My wife and I have a pretty exciting sex life. Besides the great bedroom chemistry we have together, we’ve also experimented a bit with playing with other couples. I don’t know if we’d label ourselves “swingers”, but we don’t shy away from that lifestyle.

Obviously, that’s not exactly something we go around talking to our friends about. Generally, polite company doesn’t appreciate conversations that begin with, “So last week I was balls-deep inside of my wife’s friend…” for some reason. In any case, sometimes hints slip out, and the results can often lead to a bit of fun.

One time my wife and I were at our very close friends’ house. They’ve been married about as long as we have and all four of us are really close. The girls get together and chat while my buddy and I play video games and talk about work. I overheard my buddy’s wife Natalie showing her new shoes to my wife.

“They’re so cute! And they have little pineapples on them!”

[MF] My wife shared me with her friend while we were out of town

This occurred last year when my wife and I went to a work conference together in another state. We had known a lot of the people that would be there through networking, but were meeting most of them for the first time. It was a nice mix of people, some our age, some a bit older. For the most part, everyone was very friendly and we hit it off with a small group of people, mostly women, that my wife already knew through social media.

On our last night there, we went out to eat at a local pizza place with a small group – myself, my wife, and 3 of her friends: Danielle, Kelly, and Monica. All of us are in our early 30s. I had taken a small edible before we went out and it started to hit right as I was diving into the pizza, making it a significantly better experience.

I’m usually a fairly reserved person in social settings. My wife is much more Type A. Weed tends to change that a bit and before long I was genuinely having a fun time, relaxed and enjoying the conversation.