Welcome to the Family Part 3 | Rape, Forced, Teen, Latina, Anal, BDSM

**READ PART 1** [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ffmlgn/welcome_to_the_family_rape_kidnap_brutal_blowjob/)

**READ PART 2** [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fg3qgp/welcome_to_the_family_part_2_rape_brutal_creampie/)

**This part is shorter than the last two, and it’s kinda split into three short segments that came form three different user suggestions. I’m gonna write one more part to end this, so if you have any suggestion for the final fate of Sofia and Isabella, please send them my way.**


Sofia was bent over a dirty table in the barn, a tall man with greying hair was fucking her in the ass. This was the seventh time she had been sodomized today, she didn’t cry or scream anymore. Her face was dead and her eye glazed over. How long had he been fucking her? She didn’t know?’ How long had she been in locked in the barn? She didn’t know. After the sixth night, Sofia had lost all sense of place and time. A nightmare that wouldn’t end, a nightmare full of beatings and assault.

The tall man growled and he came in her ass. Another strange man’s seed leaking down her inner thigh. He pulled out and looked left. ‘Hey, you nearly finished?’

Welcome to the Family Part 2 | Rape, Brutal, Creampie, Breeding, Forced Incest

[READ PART 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ffmlgn/welcome_to_the_family_rape_kidnap_brutal_blowjob/)

**A little shorter than Part 1 but I** ***really*** **enjoyed writing this. The suggestion for this part came from ANON user, so if you guys got any ideas for what could happen in Part 3, PM me or comment and send them my way!**


Sofia watched the morning sky through a crack in the barn roof. She had been watching it all night, watched yesterday disappear and the night crawl in. The twilight moon had passed over, letting in a pillar of white light. She’d watched the whole night pass through that tiny hole in the roof.

Sofia and Isabella were huddled together in one corner of the barn behind a waist-high fence. This was where their tormentors had likely kept cows or horses or other livestock, now two teenage girls sat hugging once in other, terrified. Sofia had cradled her younger sister throughout the night, Isabella still hadn’t spoken since that monster sodomized the previous day. She had stayed in the position the giant had left her in, bleeding and broken, until her sister had managed to drag into the corner. Sofia had found an old scratchy blanket in a cabinet and had covered her naked sister with it, holding her head in her lap.

Welcome to the Family | Rape, Kidnap, Brutal, Blowjob, Anal, Rough, Sisters

**This story comes from a suggestion from an Anon user. It was a great suggestion and I can see myself writing a few more parts to it.**

**I should warn you though that it is quite a brutal story. (Tho hot ;D)**

**The ending is pretty open so if you have any suggestion’s on what should happen next, just comment of PM me**


Rain lashed at the windshield of the speeding car. Middle American countryside flew past, the brown-grey blur of agricultural poverty. Empty and sparse except for the occasional dilapidated wooden barn, standing sad and still in the distance under a thundering dead sky. The engine of the silver Honda Civic suddenly cracked and croaked, and the smell of burning plastic engulfed the interior.

Sofia slammed her hands on the wheel. ‘Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fucking shit.’ The engine went dead. ‘Oh come on.’

‘Are you being serious?’ Isabella was in the passenger seat, a mirror image of her sister next to her. Both girls were gorgeous, with long dark hair and pristine terra-cotta skin. The car slowed and pulled to the side of the road. The violent rain attacked the body of the car. ‘The engine’s dead.’

Five-Dollar Blowjob | Blowjob, Rough, Teen, Forced, Blackmail

**Had this idea while couple weeks back, thought I’d turn it into a shorter story!**

**Charlotte looked like** [Zendaya](https://i.imgur.com/WYiZmDK.jpg) **in my head when I was writing this btw :D**

Charlotte sat on the bench outside the desolate bus station. Under the shade of a large billboard which advertised cigarettes, she put her head back and sighed. *No money. A million miles away from home. You really fucked it up this time Charlotte.* The southwestern desert stretched out for eternity ahead of her. Dust and sand and death. A highway could be made out in the distance, speeding cars like little bugs skittering in the heat.

An old couple carrying suitcases walked out of the bus station, the old man pulled a suitcase as well, the wheel was squeaking on the boiling tarmac. Charlotte stood up as they passed, smiled as politely as she could.

‘Hey, Mister and Mrs.’ They stopped, looked at her perplexed. ‘Could you lend me some money… I can’t afford a ticket home. I’m on my way to my cousin’s in California.’

The old woman began to speak, but her husband interrupted. ‘Sorry, girl. We have no cash on us and we’re in a rush.’ He grabbed his wife and dragged away out of sight.

Hitching a Ride | Teen, Rough, Rape, Anal, Brutal

**Not been writing lately due to studying and stuff… but managed to write this in my spare time. Hope you all enjoy! xx**

It was the first car the girl had seen in three hours. She had been walking the winding road for what felt like months. A grey snake of tarmac weaving the way through an expanse of pine trees and lonely wilderness. She was exhausted and aching, her slender athletic legs feeling like they could give out at any moment and her shoulders were screaming from the heavy backpack. It became an apparent truth that if she collapsed on this dark forest road, there was a good chance of her *actually* dying. *Just keep walking,* she told herself.

The car appeared behind her. Two bright lights from the darkness and a loud engine. This was the first person she’d seen and the sudden coarse sound made her jump. She had promised herself that she wasn’t going to hitchhike. She was going to get to her aunt and uncles house without getting in a car with a stranger, but the aching that ran up her legs and thighs begged for her to stop walking. Without thinking, she wearily waved at the oncoming car. *It’s not gonna stop.*

Gagging for a Promotion | Blowjob, Swallow, Rough

[This idea for this short story comes from here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ett17g/someone_please_write_this/) **(Thanks** [**u/Starwind_Amada**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Starwind_Amada/)**)**

**It was fun writing this! If you enjoyed this check out my other work and if you have an idea or suggestion, just comment or message me.**


Heather planted her ass on the kitchen counter next to the warm coffee machine. She sipped her steaming cup and looked across the small break room. It was slow Tuesday morning and the shop outside was near empty, the only other employee here was Emilie who was working the cash register. Gavin, Heather’s boss, was in the back office, trying to find a new store manager. The last manager, Paula, had moved to Canada a fortnight ago, and Gavin had been going insane trying to find her replacement.

*Can’t believe he’s searching for a new manager when me and Emilie have been working here for three years.* She placed her empty cup in the sink, washed it out with cold water. *I deserve to be promoted to manager.* She left the break room and entered the main shop area. She walked down the video game aisle, looking at the new releases. She’d have more money to spend on gaming stuff if she had a higher paying job.

The Nerdy Tinder Girl | Teen, Geek, Nerd, Blowjob, Creampie.

**A bit different from my usual stuff, but this is based off my IRL experiences with Tinder. I do like the character of Hannah though… maybe I’ll still write a rape-kink with her as the star.**


‘I’ll see you on Monday, mate.’ Ethan shouted to Jacob as he turned the street corner away from the high-rise flats.

Jacob raised his hand and waved. They had been studying late in the university library, and the sun had started to set on the city. *Ethan better move fast or he’s gonna miss his bus.* He lived on the outskirts of town and the last bus was in five minutes. Jacob opened the door and entered the small reception area of his building. *I guess he could always stay at mine if he does miss it.* He pressed a button on the wall and heard the quiet hum of the elevator descending.

The dirty metal doors slid open, he stepped into the graffiti-ridden metal box that would carry him to his flat. *Rents due tomorrow.* He pushed a glowing button with the number *7* printed on. *I should have enough in my bank account to cover it.* He closed his eyes, listening to the rumbling the of the cables dragging him up. *I need to move. This building is a shithole.*

You’ll Have Fun, It’s Just a Party | Rape, Gang Rape, Non-Con, Blowjob, Creampie, Anal, Teen, Virgin

**This was a great suggestion from ANON. Was super fun to write. If any of you guys have any suggestions or story ideas, comment or message me.**

**I think this will be a the only part of this story, as I quite like the ending… but if any you think that I should continue it, comment or message me and tell me where you think it should go next.**


‘I think that you should wear these.’ Margot threw a pair of short denim cut-offs on to the bed.

‘What?’ Emily said, ‘Look how short they are.’ She was standing in her underwear, feeling awkward. *I don’t even want to go to this stupid party.*

‘Emily, babe.’ Margot stretched her arms, showing off her athletic body. ‘You’ve got a great arse. Don’t be afraid to show it off.’ Emily looked back at the mirror. Her ass was pretty big, not too big, but large enough that the cut-offs would definitely show more than she was comfortable with. ‘I’d kill for your ass and tits.’ Margot added.

The Ticket Master Part 3 | Rough, Non-con, Blowjob, Redhead, Rape, Swallow

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/erl74e/the_ticket_master_rough_noncon_blowjob_redhead/)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/es3qya/the_ticket_master_part_2_rape_noncon_blowjob_anal/)

**I think this will be the last part of this series… Unless some of you guys have any ideas on where it can go next, comment of PM me if you have any suggestions (Or any story ideas in general). Enjoy…**

‘What’s going on, Holly?’ Mr Dunn was sat on the edge of his desk, like teachers do when they’re trying to act cool. ‘These last two months… Your marks have gone down. Your essays are late. And, and your attendance has plummeted.’

Holly didn’t reply, her teacher’s concern had gone in one ear and out the other. She was focused on the bookshelf behind him. Books about the ancient Greeks, the Romans, Egyptians, Vikings. She used to love reading about classical history. Her dream since being a kid was to work in a museum. She didn’t have any dreams anymore.

Just nightmares.

Mr Dunn leaned slightly closer, genuine care on his face, ‘Holly, you used to be my star pupil. If something is happening at home…? You can tell me and we can get you help.’

The Ticket Master Part 2 | Rape, Non-con, Blowjob, Anal, Redhead, Rough

[Read Part 1 first](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/erlcq2/the_ticket_master_rough_noncon_blowjob_redhead/)

**Again, I enjoyed writing this. Maybe I’ll do a part 3. If anyone had any ideas on what should happen next or just story ideas in general, comment or PM me.**

Holly studied herself in the bedroom mirror. In her underwear, the warm light made her pale skin radiate. Her auburn hair was loose over her small shoulders, she preferred it like that, the red strands accentuated her emerald green eyes.

*You’re pretty*, she kept telling herself over and over again. Yet she didn’t believe it. At the back of mind, a thought kept returning though she tried to keep it suppressed.

*You’re a dirty slut.*

*A whore.*

It wasn’t her own voice she heard it in, however. It was *his.* Her tormentor and violator. The man who has haunted her every time she closes her eyes to sleep or even just blink.

The Ticket Master.

He had ravaged and defiled her body. Used her like some disposable tramp, left her bruised and broken. She could still feel his big hands on the back of her head, forcing her down on to his manhood. She could still feel him inside her cunt, stretching her open. And, worse of all, she could still feel his seed in her womb. She felt like she had been ruined, a cracked shell of her former self.