Daddy Issues: This Is What You Are | [M/f] [Barely Legal] [Rough] [Deepthroat] [Anal] [Degradation] [Mindbreak]

**Soooo this is technically a second part to** [**this story**](**, but you could probably read this without having to read the first part, though I’d love it if you did go read my other stories :D Btw this story is very rough and could be bordering on rape, but seeing is it’s mostly consensual I didn’t tag it rape… so be warned!**

**Again, Freya is based off of** [**Freya Allan**]( **because I think she’s super hot!**

**If you guys have any ideas for stories please send them my way, I’ll try and reply to all of you, but I am super busy this time of year…**

**Anyway, please enjoy the story!**

Sat on a leather sofa in the hotel lobby, she kept crossing and uncrossing her legs, kept scratching at the stitching on the sofa’s arm, as if these repetitive actions would somehow help keep her nerves from engulfing her whole being.

They didn’t. In fact, they probably made her anxiety worse. She kept getting the occasional glance from a passer-by. A look of worry or confusion would cross their face, but they would carry on to wherever it was they had to be, not giving a second thought to the strange anxious girl in the hotel lobby. Freya didn’t like them looking at her. It was like they knew why she was here. Like they knew what she was and were judging her for it.

Daddy Issues | [M/f] [Teen] [Barely Legal] [Rough] [Blowjob] [Degradation] [Creampie]

**Hey guys! This was a half finished story that I thought I’d lost but found it on an old USB stick, so I thought I’d complete it. I’m quite proud of how it’s turned out, and I think it’s pretty hot.**

**The main character, Freya, is based of the super hot** [Freya Allan](**!**

**Hope you enjoy it!**

The freezing winter climate wasn’t helping Freya’s nerves. The early December snow was up past her heels and walking the roads of suburbia was slow going. She’d had already tripped on the icy sidewalk and landed on her ass twice so far, leaving wet patches up the back of her tight leggings. Thankfully, no one had seen her embarrass herself. Not that anyone was out and about at this late hour. Why would they be? The weather was miserable, and it was getting close to midnight. What reason would someone, let alone an eighteen-year-old girl, have for walking around on a night like this?

Doesn’t Feel Like Love | [tf] [Trans] [Rape] [Blowjob] [Anal] [Rough]

**Hey! I haven’t written in ages due to personal shit and all the stresses from COVID have made it pretty difficult to get in the mood to write… but hopefully I can be more consistent from now on!**

**Anyway, here’s something a little different. This idea comes from the always fantastic** u/nothingisnothing1**, who has given some super kinky ideas to write with… We’ve got some ideas for a second part, so keep your eyes out for that!**

**KAITLYN is based off of** [KAITLYN DEVER](

**EMMA is based off of** [EMMA STONE](


Kaitlyn was sat in the school cafeteria, mindlessly scrolling through Reddit on her phone. The screen was cracked after she had dropped it on the sidewalk yesterday while running to catch the school bus.

Yes… Your Body Will Do Perfectly | Sci-Fi, Tentacles, Forced, Creampie, Non-Con, Anal, Deepthroat, Horror

**Hey guys! This is another idea from the absolutely fantastic** u/nothingisnothing1**. It serves as a sequel to her previous idea that I wrote,** [**which you can read here!**]( **I was so happy to see the reaction to the previous part and I hope you’ll all enjoy this part just as much!**

**Also, Elizabeth is based of** [**Elizabeth Olsen!**](

**So please, enjoy the tentacles…**

Elizabeth watched the man from across the street. Under a streetlight she pretended to look at her phone, only glancing up occasionally to watch for when he had left.

She’d been waiting for a few hours, walking around the block every now and again to make sure she didn’t look suspicious, always checking to see if his car had left yet. The sticker on the passenger side door told her he was an UBER driver, and it was a Saturday night, so she assumed that he would be leaving to give the drunk people in the city a ride home.

The front door of the house opened and the man who Elizabeth had been watching for a week stepped out on to his gravel driveway. He was tall and handsome, with slick backed black hair, and strong sharp features.

Android Daughter: Illusions Don’t Last Forever | Sci-Fi, Teen, Incest?, Barely-Legal, Petite, Blowjob, Forced, Creampie

**Another story a bit out of my comfort zone, though I’m quite happy with how it turned out. I’ve been playing a lot of Detroit: Become Human, so yeah…. :)**

**Remember any suggestions or ideas for stories? Send them my way!**


Eric Grey sat patiently in the waiting room. A clock ticked away on the wall, counting down the minutes of the hot August afternoon.

It was not too different from a doctor’s waiting room. Sterile white walls and uncomfortable chairs, with a singular green plant in the corner to try and spice the place up. There were pictures on the walls. Images of happy families playing on sandy beaches, a young couple kissing in a European city, an old man and women strolling through the park holding each other’s hands. Pictures of joy and peace.

Eric rubbed his knees. He was still fighting with whether or not he just stand up and go home. Was this the right thing for him? His sister seemed to think so. He believed a shrink would serve him better, but talking about his personal feelings wasn’t something he was prone to doing. And, surprisingly, this would likely end up cheaper than hiring a psychiatrist. Not that money was a problem. He owned his big house and his job as an architect paid well.

Your Body Will Become a Vessel | Sci-fi, Tentacles, Forced, Impreg, Teen, Birthing, Non-con, Anal, Blowjob, Horror… kinda

**Hey guys. Something** ***very*** **different today, as you can see from the tags. I really enjoyed writing it, which surprised me, ‘cos I’ve never done anything like this before.**

**The idea comes from** [**u/nothingisnothing1**](**. She was super helpful, and gave me butt-ton of kinky ideas to work with. I hopefully will get some more story suggestions from her soon.**

**And, yes, this is another story where the main character is based off Margot Robbie.** [**Can you blame me though…**](,80/2231315/image.jpg)


Margot hated coming to the city. Sitting in the passenger seat of the car, watching the concrete monoliths roll by, she wished she could be at home tucked up in bed and reading a book.

Her Mum was driving, occasionally swearing under her breath at the congested Friday night traffic.

‘Yes, go on Mister.’ She snapped sarcastically at a passing car. ‘Overtake me in your stupid SUV. Christ, makes you wonder how some people pass their driving test.’

Margot didn’t reply. Her head was resting on the cool window, looking at a young couple arguing with each other outside a bar. The girl was storming off down the road, struggling to walk in her high heels. Why do girls wear them? She thought to herself.

What Happened Last Night? | MMMf, Teen, Non-con, Drugged, Forced, Blowjob, Creampie, Anal

**Hey guys! This short story was another anonymous suggestion. It’s a super hot idea and I really enjoyed writing it!**

**Remember, if you have any ideas or suggestions for stories you’d like to see me write, please send them my way!**


Caitlin groaned and opened her eyes. A bright pillar of sun was stabbing into her room through the curtains and onto her face. She winced as the light caught her eye and raised her arm in defence.

Sitting up, she struggled to reach for her phone on the bedside table. She managed to pull it closer with her fingers and turn it on. It was 2:45 pm, and she had multiple missed calls and texts. Most of them for from Kelly.

*Cait? Where did u go last night? U disappeared on us*

*Are u okay babes?*

*We’re all worried about u*

Caitlin read the texts and said, ‘Fuck.’ She coughed harshly and started to type her reply.

*Sorry Kelly, just woke up. What the fuk happened last night? I don’t remember anything…*

The Internship Part 3 The Boardroom | [MMMMf] [Forced Teen] [Barely Legal] [Blowjob] [Creampie] [Anal] [Non-con] [Rape] [Ruined]


**This is the third and likely final part to this series. I’ve loved writing this, and Margot is my favourite character that I’ve written. I got some fantastic suggestions on the last part which I’ve incorporated into this. If any of you have any suggestion or ideas for a story you’d like me to write, please, please, send them my way. I love reading them and I try to reply to as many as I can.**


Temple pounded himself onto Margot from behind. She was bent over his desk with dead eyes, focusing on one of the modernist paintings on the wall. His hands were gripping on to her naked shoulders to make it easier for him to abuse her. Occasionally he’d lean over her and whisper something disgusting into her ear.

‘Do you like being daddy’s little fuck toy?’

‘Your teen pussy belongs to me.’

‘The only reason you exist is so guys like me can fuck you. You’re nothing but a pussy and a mouth attached to a pair of legs. You’re a useless slut.’

The Internship Part 3 The Boardroom | [MMMMf] Forced Teen, Barely Legal, Blowjob, Creampie, Anal, Non-con, Rape, Ruined

[**READ PART 1**](

[**READ PART 2**](

**This is the third and likely final part to this series. I’ve loved writing this, and Margot is my favourite character that I’ve written. I got some fantastic suggestions on the last part which I’ve incorporated into this. If any of you have any suggestion or ideas for a story you’d like me to write, please, please, send them my way. I love reading them and I try to reply to as many as I can.**


Temple pounded himself onto Margot from behind. She was bent over his desk with dead eyes, focusing on one of the modernist paintings on the wall. His hands were gripping on to her naked shoulders to make it easier for him to abuse her. Occasionally he’d lean over her and whisper something disgusting into her ear.

‘Do you like being daddy’s little fuck toy?’

‘Your teen pussy belongs to me.’

‘The only reason you exist is so guys like me can fuck you. You’re nothing but a pussy and a mouth attached to a pair of legs. You’re a useless slut.’

The Internship Part 2 | Teen, Barely Legal, Blackmail, Creampie, No-Con


**So I really enjoyed writing this, I like the character of Margot and her evil tormentor Mr Temple. If you have any ideas on how he can torture her further, please send me your ideas!**


Margot sat silently at her desk. She’d been placed in an office across from the room where Kera, the bitchy receptionist sat. Describing the room as an *office* may have been a slight overstatement. It was more of a stationary cupboard with crappy desk squeezed in and a mind-numbingly slow PC buzzing away on top.

It was Monday afternoon. Her first day as an intern. Her first day working for *him.* She hadn’t seen Mr Temple, her abuser, all day. He’d been locked away in his office, speaking to important directors and producers, trying to find finance for a new film. Part of Margot hoped that he’d forget about her. That him forcing his cock down her throat and covering her in his sticky seed was just going to be a one-off occurrence. But Margot was a smart girl. She knew that time would come again when she’d be called into his office and she would be used as a piece of meat.