The pervious week my friends had an arguement about a girls choice to find a black boyfriend. That girl announced that she found a new boyfriend that happens to be black and instantly a few guy showed their dislike to this. Afterwards they started saying that they would never date a girl with this past and other comments like this. Her answer was that they cant accept that he is better etc. I was the only one that supported her. It was a big fantasy of mine a woman to suck a black cock.
Afterwards the same day when we left I talked with her and confessed her that I found it really hot and I had asked from a girlfriend I had to see her sucking a black guy at least for once but she refused. We had a spicy conversation about this and in the end she showed me a video sucking his cock. I told her I got hard. In the end when I told her I probably will never find a woman to accept doing it she offered to help me get the feeling. She told me even that we are friends she wanted to give me an idea if it probably because I supported her. I told her that thinking of her sucking his cock makes me already hard and she answered “i know exactly what you want”.