My wedding night [F]ucking my father in law unexpectedly

For just the sex part skip ahead. I had just gotten married to the nicest man on this planet, my husband. It was a perfect evening. Despite these COVID times we managed to get permission for a gathering of 25 of close family members. We drank we danced we laughed and it was such a happy moment through these harsh past few months.

My new hubby and I drove to the hotel we had booked into before flying to Jamaica for our honeymoon. Jamaica is one of the locations we are allowed to fly to with travel restrictions. Suddenly hubby gets a call from an aunt who has crashed her car drunk and is being detained by a local cop. So he kisses me and says ‘baby girl I’ll be back in a bit. I’ll call Tom to get there he’ll take care of it.’ Tom’s a sheriff and our school friend. We live in a sleepy town and that’s quite normal.

Now is when shit went weird. It’s been an hour and then my hubby calls me saying the paperwork will take an hour or more. He’ll be there dont’t panic we will catch our morning flight. Dejected, I just turn on TV and order room service. The room bell rings and I go on to open it. Surprised to see my father in law.