Alarm Clock [M18+/F18+][Straight Sex][Intimacy]

“Hey, your alarm is going off,” he groaned.

“I don’t want to get up,” she pouted, rolling over to face away from him, yet not even attempting to sit up and turn off the alarm.

“Too bad,” he growled, spooning up to her back and pushing his morning wood between the fold of her ass.

“No…” she sighed, squirming under his encircling arm, gently trying to dislodge his hand which had cupped her breast, whose fingers began pinching her quickly hardening nipple. “What are you doing?” she whined.

“Waking you up,” he announced matter of factly, grabbing harder as he ground his urgency against the base of her spine.

“That’s cheating,” she announced, finally reaching back to appreciate his erection in her hand. No more words were needed as he backed his hips up enough to let her push his tip down to aim him towards the right spot, alarm be damned.

They both gasped as the parting of her lower lips enveloped his love missile. She hadn’t expected to start off her day like this, but now she couldn’t think of any better way. He knew that she couldn’t stay long, but that wouldn’t be a problem as he wasn’t going to last. Every thrust was heaven, and every shutter and twitch lasted an eternity.

One Last Time [M22/F22][rough sex]

“Why the fuck would you do that?” I screamed at Ashlie after finding all the keys from my keyboard deliberately pulled out and thrown around the room.

“Because you’ve been cheating on me with Denise!” my girlfriend jealously accused. “You can’t hide it. I’ve seen the way she looks and talks to you when she thinks you’re alone.”

“You’re fucking crazy! I barely even know her!” I pleaded. “I never fucking touched her!”

“I know you stayed at work late just so you could screw her,” she spat. “Probably been banging her every day. That’s why you’re always too ‘tired’ for anything with me,” she accentuated with air quotes and a sarcastic joke voice.

“Are you mental? This project has been a total shitstorm!” I honestly explained in utter exasperation and pissed off beyond my wit’s end. “I seriously have been working my ass off just to make sure I keep my job! I’m not fucking anyone!”

Anything for Style [first-time] [prostitution]

“What?” I couldn’t believe that the smoking hot young blonde who I’d been ogling just walked up and asked me something so perverse.

“Geeze, are you deaf?” she complained. “Fifty bucks for a blowjob. Cash. You in or not?”

“Uh..” I boggled, wrapping my brain around her offer. Anyone living in the big city had seen the hookers come out on streets every night in the shadier parts of town, but this was noon in the park while I was having my lunch, and she looked nothing like those weathered hags.

Then I remembered I’d just withdrawn my rent money from a nearby ATM. She must have seen me and followed me here, looking to score some easy cash. Part of me wanted to accept right away, while the more sensible part of my brain had alarms going off. Was this a cop sting operation to fight prostitution, or maybe she was a druggie looking to get a hit? She looked barely old enough to drive, so neither of those seemed likely.

“Sure,” I finally agreed, hoping I wasn’t making the biggest mistake of my life. I had spent way more on first dates that I never even got a kiss for, much less to third base. My little brain was all in and already rising to the occasion.

Of Hunters and Prey [Monster Harem] [Rough Sex]

Frank, the Predator

When I first laid eyes on her I knew she was trouble, but I wasn’t dead either. She looked nowhere near old enough to even be in this nasty-ass bar, but I wasn’t going to complain. The bleach-Blondie nymph, already staggering drunk, pranced her tight little ass in front of the fifty-year-old jukebox she had cranked up. Honestly, she looked a lot like that new movie star chick from those movie posters, little bits of dyed hair, and the palest completion I’d ever seen. Must be white makeup, ’cause if it weren’t then she’d burn in an instant if she ever saw the sun. But it worked with her stark blue lipstick.

It has been a long hard ride the last sixteen hours, and now that it was well past midnight, the waxing moon disappeared behind the hills making it quite dark out. Before I checked into a flea-bitten motel I needed a drink and figured there was at least a chance of getting lucky. The only place to do that in this shit-hole of a town was the dirtiest little dive bar. Going in, I expected to see most of the typical patrons. A few old men just waiting to die, a few winos who couldn’t see past their drinks, and one or two cheating divorcees who’d likely already fucked every other guy in the joint, grateful for anyone with a dick still willing to give them the time of day.

Your New Life As A Fuckdoll [Bound & Gagged M] [Edging] [Introduction]

You woke up at the sound of your bedroom door opening, wondered who would be disturbing you so early in the morning. It was difficult for you to see as the dim orangish light of the dawning sun barely penetrated the closed heavy curtains, but something definitely felt off. Why was everything numb and fuzzy? You heard her heels clack loudly across your marble floor, then there was the blinding sunlight right in your face as the curtains shot open. You tried to cover your eyes, but your arms wouldn’t move, tightly restrained by some kind of soft fur-lined straps, keeping both your arms and legs outstretched on the form-fitting foam bed.

You tried to mutter your concern and confusion, but the gag you just realized you were wearing made anything more than moans and groans impossible. Clamping your teeth into the soft rubbery thing in your mouth felt weird, but at least it didn’t painfully stretch your mouth open like that one time you wore a ball gag to a B&D club. All you were able to do was make a few incoherent mumblings before she spoke.

Pervert Action: Origins, Chapter 1: Just another day. [Introdiuction to a long choose your own path erotica story]

It started off as an ordinary day, but I was too obsessed with how life was so unfair that I never noticed how different and important this day really was when it started. All I could think about was that if I’d been just a year older I’d have been allowed to go with my father and Shinji Honda to join the army and become heroes. Unfortunately, he’d ordered me to tend the farm and protect my younger sister while Shinji left to get all the glory. Of course, our family honor demanded I follow his orders, but the battle against the invading barbarian clan to the north was only a few dozen miles away now so sometimes the shouts of a rally cry could be heard ringing off the hills.

So here I’d come, to stand on the tall wooden watchtower overlooking the narrow strip of rocky land that made our small town a peninsula. At some points, it was only ten feet between the waves from the beaches on both sides, but most of it was just a rocky trail almost a quarter-mile long. Undoubtedly this bottleneck was what attracted people here in the first place, making it very defendable, but also very boring. Not very far north another town had grown up on the more verdant land, and our treaty with them had demanded we send our army north instead of just defending this pass.

Accidental Snap [sexting][masturbation] [alternatingpov]

I was just about to go to sleep when my phone pinged, and the little window showed Kim asking, ‘Hey Jake. Any thoughts about the project?’ Of all the reasons she could text me at ten o’clock at night, our project was the last I wanted to hear about, but still, she was talking to me, and I considered that a win. I started texting back my initial ideas, and she responded with hers. All thoughts of sleep went out the window, and while I struggled to keep my texts on the topic, I couldn’t help from wondering if she was in bed like me.

‘That’s a good idea, but pulling it off is going to be hard,’ she wrote, and I couldn’t help but read that wrong. All I could imagine was her wrapping her soft hand around my shaft, stroking me gently.

Hypnotizing Mom, Part 3: No More Tricks

[Start at the beginning of the story here.](

I looked down between my legs…

The proof was unmistakable. My throbbing pussy was leaking slowly diminishing drops of my son’s sperm into the toilet. Ten minutes ago it had been gushing it, but even still there more I squeezed I could still feel another drop congealing. It was almost impossible to fully come to grips with that one shocking fact, but then another plop hit the water and it was like another slap to the face. The worst part was that only heart before he’d deposited the incestous load he’d given me one of the best orgasms of my life. I wanted to hate him, but the tingles in my nerves at remembering that pleasure, along with my natural mother’s instinct made it impossible.

Hypnotizing Mom 2: Daddy’s Home and Wants to Play

[Continued from Part 1](

One week later…

“Chris, could you help me in here?” my mother called out from her bedroom. Of course I thought I was off the hook since I’d already done my chores and had just settled down for the morning to, shall we say, take care of the business I’d been too tired to do last night.

“In a minute!” I yelled back, hoping that she would just let me be for about five minutes to finish, but I knew it was pointless.

“Now!” she shouted back and I quickly tossed my cum sock aside and yanked my jeans and underwear back up from around my ankles.

“Coming,” I groaned back, tucking my erection carefully away before I zipped back up. I muttered to myself that I should just hypnotize her and make her suck me off again, but I wasn’t really serious. Guilt more than anything else had kept me from pursuing further sexual relations with her. And since I’d clearly proved that hypnosis was real and worked I figured I’d have the confidence to really follow through with it on my dream girl, Stacy.

Hypnotizing Mom

I was just walking by, not intending on being nosey, but since this was the first time my son had ever had a girl over, in his room, with the door closed, I couldn’t help but pause to make sure everything was fine in there, eavesdropping on them just a little before I continued down the hall.

“It sure is getting hot. Maybe you should take your shirt off?” I heard my son tell the girl he was supposedly tutoring through the door. I should have been mad, upset at the very least, but instead I got hot. Sweating hot. I just had to cool down, and right now taking my shirt off seemed like the only way.

“No way, dork!” Stacy laughed at Chris’s order, but I had already taken off my top and and was fanning my big floppy tits with my hand, just standing there topless in the hall, now only wearing some grey sweatpants.