I meet people from local reddit subs if they check my boxes, and if they seem level headed and nonntoxic. I work at a massage chain. A normal place where extras are not offered tolerated. I am giving extras to my redditors.
The first one to come in was waiting for me in my treatment room. I walked in to find a guy reading a magazine,which is a flag we discussed. Magazines are non threatening but very uncommon, so it was obvious me that this was the guy I had been talking to. I did not give my name to this local man,but I did give some pictures. He was going to book with random therapists until we matched up. He was very lucky his first session happened to be with me.
So I see him sitting in the chair in my room reading the magazine,I introduce myself and go over our intake forms on my ipad. I recommend we warm up with the massage gun,and tell the guy to sit on my massage table with legs hanging off the side while I go get the device..