My Girlfriend and I accidentally caused two of our friends to break up [FFM] x2 (shortened version)

This story is from almost a year ago but I really like it and it’s probably the only “unique” sexual experience I’ve ever had. I’ve shortened the story so it’s an easier read. If you want a more detailed version, here’s the link: [](

My girlfriend and I had been together for about 2 years at this point and the other couple in this story, who we’ll call Jake and Julia, had been together for about 6 months. The four of us started spending more time together throughout those 6 months as we were the only couples in our group of friends. One night the four of us got a little drunk in my apartment and the girls started sexily dancing on one another. I eventually drunkenly spouted the idea of swapping girlfriends for a night to Jake. I immediately regretted it and told my girlfriend the next day and she said she wouldn’t really be into that. I counteroffered that the four of us have both FFM threesome combinations between us. She seemed much more into that idea as she said she really liked Julia (this was new as previously she said she’d never be into girls at all). Anyways, I proposed the idea to Julia and Jake and they both liked it. So we decide to flip a coin to determine the order. The order is…
1. Julia, my girlfriend, and I
2. Jake, my girlfriend, and Julia

My Girlfriend and I accidentally caused two of our friends to break up [FFM] x2 (long version)

This story is from almost a year ago but I really like it and it’s probably the only “unique” sexual experience I’ve ever had. For context all of us are in college. It’s a long story but I think it’s really fucking hot. If you want a shortened version, here’s the link: [](