[FF] Saw a video of my boyfriend fucking himself in the ass with anal toys (butt plugs) and a dildo. Idk what to do… [NSFW]

I know that some straight men do like it in the ass and that men typically have their p-spot up there… but I just never saw him as that type of guy. Idk how to approach him. Even saw him wearing my thongs… Is this normal? I don’t mean to be sexist… but do I confront him? Is he gay? bi? does that have to do with anything? Maybe he’s just exploring…I need advice!!! I don’t know what to do and where to start. I remember when I would jokingly tell him i’ll also fuck him in the ass like he does to me , he’ll say that it’s gay… is this a defense mechanism? Is he hiding or he is just not comfortable because this ass fucking thing is only perceived for females and gay males?