Tinder works in mysterious ways [FMF]

***disclaimer: English is not my native language so forgive grammatical errors please***

Apparently my intro got a bit longer then I expected so for the guys and girls only interested in the real sexy parts, scroll down to the ***

I should probably first set the scene. Last year a ladyfriend of mine wanted to to strip through Spain and I was happy to tag along. About a week in our trip we split up. She would go meet some friends and I went for some rock climbing with a buddy. Our first hike lasted exactly 30 minutes and ended up at the emergency room. I kid you not. My buddy fell, even before reaching the climb, and dislocated his shoulder. So there I was, back in this medieval Spanish city flying solo after dropping him off at the hospital.

With no plan what so ever and a whole night in front of me I decided to go and have a drink. After about 2.5 minutes alone at the bar I was bored to my core and decided to give the ole’ Tinder a swipe or 2. It had been years since I used the app but figured it would be a fun way to kill time before bed.