[MF] This Tuesday, every Tuesday…

I stand at the door as she ran off into the dance studio, her pink tutu bouncing as she found her friends and the giggling and twirling that always preceded her class began in full effect. I see other parents, or other moms if I’m telling the truth, I always seem to be the only dad who brings their daughter to ballet but my wife always has work, or spin class, or bible study… or something. So for the past year I’ve brought her here. The moms sit and begin gossiping, I’ve hear the expression clicking hens and it wasn’t until I came here that I fully understood the reference. I had attempted to sit near them, to try to be social and they more than welcomed me. But it only took one session of their talking for me to realize that this wasn’t for me, wasn’t what I could handle. So I began to walk during the class, 45 uninterrupted minutes of time to sit in my head, to think, to breath and just be. It’s been like this every Tuesday since we started coming

[MF] Our First Hotel Meeting…

As the elevator doors open my heart is pounding. I look down at my phone as I start walking down the hall and see the text I just received from you, “Room 327, door will be open ;)” My heart is nearly pounding out of my chest as thoughts run through my head with alarming speed. What will she think of me, will she be disappointed when she sees me… but my mind empties as I turn and face the door to your room. The door is slightly open so I take a deep breath and reach out to push the door open.

As I enter the hotel room I close the door behind me and I can hear the sound of running water. Looking to my right I see that the bathroom door is all the way open allowing me to see the source of the noise and my breath stops in my throat. Through the steam I can see directly through the glass door on the shower, I see you standing there eyes closed, lost in your own thoughts, not having noticed that I arrived at the room.

After Talking for Months We Finally Meet [MF]

Your flight landed in the early afternoonand I can’t contain my excitement, standing at the airport buzzing with the energy of a child waiting to open their presents on Christmas morning.. Not only to meet you, but at the idea of all the things we will do with each other, to each other, all the things wehave been talking about online for months.

As you walk out of the doors of the airport to my waiting care we can’t help but grin at each other like idiots. My arms wrapping around you, lifting you into an almost cartoonish spin causing your dress to flair out slightly, touching you for the first time, being in your presence for the first time. “God you smell better than I imagined.” I couldn’t help but let out as I set you down, almost rolling my own eyes knowing that I might not have picked the most romantic thing to open with. I quickly put your suitcase in the trunk and steal a kiss while the trunk’s up, giving us a little privacy. What was supposed to be a peck as our lips touched, turned out to be much longer as they parted and allowed our tongues to dance together for the first time.