First time BDSM and first time anal [MF]

FYI, I wrote this more for us than a public audience. It’s long. Sorry, not sorry.

“Go upstairs, clean yourself, and wait.”

And with that, my wife of 5 years left the room. We’d agreed in advance that this would be an extended “play” session, rather than the typical “have sex, go to sleep”. The tension was building all weekend and it was finally time to release.

But first let’s take it back a little bit. My wife and I had been together for several years. Over time that sexual spark had faded a little bit. After a miscarriage earlier this year, we decided to make a conscious effort to reconnect.

We refreshed our toy box, redecorated our bedroom (thanks Netflix!), and started reading erotic books together. Through this we decided to begin experimenting with D/s dynamics. Honestly, I’m not a naturally dominant person so I started reading and watching content that gave me ideas to implement. Tonight would be our first planned out scene.
After the shower stopped, I waited another 15 minutes or so until I quietly crept up the stairs to our room.

“Turn around and face the wall.”