The time I fucked my girlfriend at a New Years party [MF]

If you’ve seen my stories in the past you’ll know what’s going on.

TL;DR. I hooked up with the receptionist at my place of work and now we’re happily dating.

This takes place just a couple of weeks after the work Christmas party at (you guessed it) a New Years party.

Sarah and I have a very fun relationship so far. We play light hearted jokes on each other, cook together, do adventurous things like taking random camping trips, binge watch Netflix, all those cutesy relationship things. It’s very amazing and I can’t wait to see where it goes! With that being said it gives a little background to why this story happens.

Sunday afternoon 12/31/2017 I get back to my apartment where Sarah stayed the night and hung out while I went to grab a couple of things for the party later on. When I get back my Amazon package was on the door step. I got Sarah some vibrating panties to see if she’d like them and the idea of getting a little kinky.

Fuckin the receptionist at work Pt.2 [FM]

I’m going to pick up first where it left off. Check my post history for the first story.

Thanks for reading!

When she asks me about the room I told her to mingle around while I go get one for us. People are mostly cleared out since it was close to the end so she just saying her good byes pretty much.

When I go over to reserve the room I find out that there’s only a couple of rooms left for the night due to it being close to the holidays blah blah blah. I was expecting to spend about a hundred on the room, but I was blind sided. So it’s between this regular room with a full sized bed (bleh) and their huge suite up top with a king sized bed and view of midtown (great view) and I try to reason getting this room, and I can’t find the logic. I’m literally spending about $300-$400 to fuck this girl when we both have apartment not far from here and I am trying to be reasonable and responsible… But it all makes sense when she comes walking towards me, shoes shining, that black dress glistening, her hair which looks like mild sex hair is bouncing along with her, she flashing this smile that kills me. So I look back over at the concierge and tell her I want the big room. I’m kind of an idiot sometimes.

How I [M] fucked the receptionist [F] at the Christmas work party

Oh boy do I have a story for you guys…

As always, I love feedback and would love to hear your thoughts on the story, what could be improved on the writing, and what was good about it. PM me or comment, I will respond as quick as I can.

If you have read my other stories you’ll know my sex life has been quite… colorful, lol. This story really ramps things up for me. It is about a week before this last Christmas (2017)

Around mid November we get a new receptionist and I take quite well to her. We’ll call her Sarah (fake for obvious reasons). On Sarah’s first day she is shown around the office and meets most people. When she comes down to my area of the office she really catches my attention. Sarah is tall, almost 5’11. She has long straight silky black hair, healthy build (not fat, but isn’t a stick) her face is soft, light makeup, roundish face, slightly rosy cheeks, great teeth, light green eyes, pale skin. She’s wearing this dress… I won’t forget this dress. It’s a flowy green dress and complements her eyes, comes down to about mid thigh, and she’s wearing leggings under(super cute) and the dress hugs her cute b cup boobs up top. She lights up a room.

I [m] was caught red handed by my roommate [f]

What’s up y’all! Since I wrote a few other stories I figured I’d share some different experiences with y’all.

This one was about a year or so after the whole Brad thing.

About a year ago I started really changing my life. I had been working my way up in my field, becoming more professional, more social, and MUCH better at talking to women because I decided to actually try it! Lol.

I had met this girl at work, her name was (fake for reasons) Elle. She was really short, like 5’4, pretty fit, incredible body, but you wouldn’t know it by how she dressed. She was kind of conservative in her outfits, not many tight pants, didn’t dress for style. She liked being as comfortable as possible. She wore these Capri pants that didn’t really show her ass or flash her legs, and she LOVED band tees. She has really dark brown straight hair that comes down half way to her back, very cute face. The kind of face you can never say no to. She had brown skin, almost looking Mexican, but a little lighter. A real nice natural tan. Elle is SUPER out going, not in a flirty way, but just likes to socialize. When I first started my job she was keen on getting me out of the house. I never went out with the team so it was her goal to get me to go out.

[MM] Two friends get heated Pt.3

Hello all! I am writing the third installment of my previous story of me and my close friend hooking up. You can find the first two parts in my post history.

This picks up from going to sleep Saturday after an amazing day of hooking up, talking, and getting to know another side of my friend.

Sunday morning is much like saturday morning. Except im spooning Brad, my dick between those cute cheeks, (I don’t think I’ve mentioned it but I’m about 6 1/2 inches and have some good girth), and bracing him with my arms around his chest. When I open my eyes I kind of release from him, roll over on my back and just stare at the ceiling and think for a minute and try to process everything again. It’s really a new thing for me, I had never been with a guy at all. So for me to experience that is a little… eye opening. I actually enjoyed it. Almost as much as being with a girl. But girls are so different for obvious reasons. They’re softer, it takes more to please them, and women are just so beautiful. But Brad… Brad was different than other guys. He wasn’t a manly man, but he had a toughness about him. He really took care of himself. And his skin was a little lighter (which I love) and his hair was a beautiful red color. Pubes to match;) no facial hair. I liked his look.

Two friends get heated pt2. [MM]

Hey y’all! This is a follow up to the story I wrote a couple of days ago. I don’t know how to link posts so you can check my history.

Waking up Saturday was very interesting. I feel something poking me. In my distorted hungover waking up state I notice my friend brad (not a real name for obvious reasons) is rock hard cuddling me. I reach back to feel his dick hard pressed against my butt cheeks. I’m shocked, then turn over and realize he’s still asleep and must have some morning wood. I move the sheets and admire how cute he looks. In that moment I wonder “am I gay for brad?” As I’m recollecting the amazing night we had before I think to myself… “maybe I am for him” So I climb back in the bed and get all snuggled up with him and kind of use him as a pillow and close my eyes.

Two friends get heated [MM]

The year is 2015, I’m visiting my friend at his college apartment.

The day starts off pretty normal. He asks me if I want to come visit him for the weekend to blow some steam off since him and his girl just broke up. So of course I say hell yeah since it’s a short road trip and I wanted see my bro. That afternoon I make the trip and when I finally get there he’s ready to party.

He’s average height, athletic build, easy on the eyes, red messy hair, and dresses like a frat boy. A pretty good looking dude. I’m average height as well, curly blonde hair, blue eyes, a little chubby but not too much, I just don’t go to the gym as often as he does. I dress more casual, T-shirt and shorts type of style.

When I get there we start playing some COD, having a few beers, smoking some weed, the whole nine yards. Then the day turns to night and we get some dinner and drinks, go back to the apartment to freshen up for the bars.