The Adventures of Nightingale and Swallow Episode One [FF][fantasy]

(This is just a silly, campy superhero story, kind of like a female version of the Batman TV show. This is just a first draft, but let me know if you'd like to read further episodes!)

Late evening in Superior City — all over the sprawling metropolis, ordinary citizens like you and I are laying their heads down upon their pillows perhaps, or maybe gently fellating their significant other in the privacy of their own homes. Perhaps they are having their first lesbian encounter with a busty babysitter who’s been caught masturbating on the couch…Well, you get the point. No matter the nighttime proclivity, the city is quiet and at peace for once.

Enjoying this rare moment of peace in the city that never shuts its eyes, Superior City Public Library’s head librarian, Kara Kane, along with perky junior librarian Emily Eastman are up late, doing their duty to keep the city’s books filed as Thomas Dewey once commanded. Deep within the stacks of the library, Emily climbs the rolling stairs, waiting for Kara to hand her books bound for the very top shelf. As Kara hands Emily the books, she notices that beneath Emily’s short black skirt, she is wearing no underwear. Struggling to put the books upon that highest of recesses, Kara admires Emily’s spunk in choosing to not wear panties in this most conservative of places. As Kara is hypnotized by Emily’s well-trimmed ginger thatch, her hand moves unconsciously down her thin blue silk blouse, her right nipple caught between the index finger and thumb, the naughty digits pulling and squeezing the captive nip of their own volition.

[18M] Exploring with Lynn [18F]

As I near 40, married and with children, I occasionally think back to my teenage years and when I first began started to fumble my way into sex. While I had studied my uncle's stack of XXX magazines, I wanted at 18 to have my opportunity to explore and experiment with someone real. Luckily, even though a bit of a late bloomer, I scored my first real girlfriend in my senior year of high school.

My girlfriend Lynn was a homegrown beauty: 5'10" with wavy shoulder-length auburn hair, blue eyes, an upturned little nose and just the slightest hint of a gap between her two front teeth which set her apart from the other girls in school. She was a tall, curvy goddess, and with her C cup breasts and beautiful round ass, she somehow was able to toe the line between modest and sexy that kept her parents at ease yet aroused me on sight.