OUR FIRST FIGHT. The beginning of an open marriage. [M/F]

TRUE STORY – You knew where I was but you still couldn’t get it off your mind. It was 3:00 am and I still had not made it home. We both had an insatiable sex drive and had discussed our fantasies in depth. Our marriage didn’t start out that way from the beginning but slowly evolved into an open one. It was exciting for both of us to think of being with other lovers yet also very troubling at times. “What if you like him more” I thought, and “What if he likes her more” you thought. We decided that you should try first since you already had someone in mind. You were seeing your old boyfriend so he wasn’t a stranger to you. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about it at first but I strangely found myself turned on by the thought of you with him. Neither one of us could have ever imagined that our sex life could have been any better than it already was, but we took it to a whole new level above and beyond any expectations we ever dreamt possible! But you felt different about me being with another woman than how I felt about you being with him. For all that time you were seeing him, you never really thought about how you’d feel when my time came. I sensed this about you and preceded with caution about how I would go about seeing her. When I first told you I had been with Michelle you were okay with it, and the second time as well. But you had been so caught up with your fun and adventure that the reality of me being with her hadn’t really set in yet. You had been with him that Friday evening and was home by 10:00 pm. You took a shower and went to bed, knowing that I’d be home soon. But you couldn’t sleep for thinking about what I might be doing with her. I made it back home just a little after 3:00 am and showered in the guest bathroom. The lights were off in our bedroom but I had this eerie feeling you weren’t asleep. I tiptoed in there ever so quietly and then heard you say something I’ll never forget. I heard “Turn the damned lights on”, and so I did. You were sitting up in bed with an angry look on your face and fire in your eyes. I don’t remember in exact detail what all we said but I do remember the strange mix of emotions we felt as we reasoned with each other about our agreement. I remember feeling dirty and guilty because of what I’d just done, even though you had just done the very same thing. You were crying and hurt yet apologized several times, telling me you shouldn’t be mad cause you said I could do it. You asked me to hold you briefly but then pushed me away, saying “No it just doesn’t feel right”, and then once again later pushing me away saying the same thing. After a couple of hours of discussion we found ourselves to be very tired. You laid down in our bed and I went to the other room to sleep. We both laid there in separate beds exhausted yet unable to sleep. It was then I heard your footsteps coming my way and your voice saying “Will you come to bed with me“? I jumped up out of the other bed and met you in the living room. We both approached each other and without hesitation, embraced with a passionate hug. I said to you with a tearful voice, “I love you so much and I’m sorry I hurt you”. You said to me “I love you too David…make love to me…please make love to me”. I picked you up and carried you into our bedroom, and we made love.


TRUE STORY – We always took our lunch breaks together, separate from everyone else. She liked to sit on my lap and I liked it too. I once unbuttoned her pants slowly, while gently kissing her neck and left ear. She thought it was just my hand but I surprised her with a silver bullet. I turned it on high speed and held it against her clitoris with the palm of my hand, while gently inserting my large middle finger inside her. It took every ounce of strength in her body to remain silent as to not alert the other employees just around the corner. She was breathing heavily and gripped the sides of the office chair with a death grip. I was focused on two things, (1) bringing her to orgasm quickly (2) and monitoring the door to keep us both safe. She whispered to me that she was cumming, so I french kissed her to help silence her moans. I knew she came hard because of the tickling sensation she experienced immediately afterwards. I quickly turn off the vibrating egg and buttoned up her pants. I will never forget the look on her face and the thrill we both felt, the thrill of potential getting caught. Her face and skin was flushed blotchy red and my right hand was soaking wet. She said to me “I’ve never been so naughty at work”, and then took the toy from me and never gave it back. She left and went back to the area where she worked because our lunch break was almost over. I tasted my fingers and hesitated to wash my hands right away, but feared that one of my coworkers would recognize the smell of sex on me. That was one of the naughtiest things I’ve ever done at work.

Categorized as Erotica


TRUE STORY: It was our fourth date and we had spent the afternoon in Atlanta. Before we headed back to North Georgia later that evening, we decided to stop at Chili’s for a little drink and appetizer. As we left Chili’s, I mentioned that we should probably wait a little while before I drove to let the alcohol wear off. So we walked across the parking lot to a strip mall to look around inside The Sports Authority. I’m not sure what came over me, maybe it was the two draft beers? But she was walking in front of me and I suddenly got the urge to smack her on the ass, and did so really really hard! She had this look on her face like I’d never seen before. Time seemed to stand still at that moment as I thought to myself “oh man…what was I thinking…why did I do that”? To my surprise, she backed those curvy hips of hers into my crotch and did a firm little booty shake. It was just a little left-right-left grind and no words were spoken about it as we continued to walk through the store. I felt a surge of hormones flow through my body as if I were a teenager again. My cock became half erect as I struggled to regain control of my thoughts. I was determined to be a gentleman cause I’d fallen deeply in love with her and didn’t want to screw things up between us. The little smack that I had applied to Judy’s big juicy booty and her reaction to it were unconscious one’s on both our parts. We both felt the sexual tension building between us and anticipation of how our first time together would be. The moments shortly afterwards were playful ones as we browsed through the store. We found ourselves playing on the exercise equipment. She demoed some of her favorite cardio machines for me. I walked over to the chest press machine and placed the pin in the bottom of the stack of weights. She looked at me and said “you can’t do all that”. The hormone rush that began earlier in me was still going so I felt a little stronger than usual. I took a deep breath and gripped the handles in a cool relaxed manner and slowly pressed the entire stack of weights away from my chest. She was impressed but didn’t know at that time that I used to be a powerlifter, and I was pretty sure I could still do it. I guess it was just the caveman instinct in me to show off like that but she did a little showing off herself too. When we got back in my truck, the situation escalated a little more as I drove down the road. We engaged in intense conversation about things we had never discussed before, sexual things. She complained about how small her boobs were and said she wished they were bigger. I cut her off before she could finish by saying “yeah but you’re athletic and you have that build, and you’re a very attractive woman. We all have things we would change about our bodies if we could”. Then I jokingly said “I wish my dick hung all the way down to my knees but it doesn’t, and there’s nothing I can do about it”. She looked over at me with the most serious look and said “It doesn’t“, and I was left speechless. She busted out laughing and I said, “oh very funny…you got me…you got me good”! And then she looked at me and said the strangest thing, she said “just don’t do it in my mouth”. I hadn’t said anything about a blow job or as to imply but I was beginning to feel pretty optimistic. Our heated conversation continued as I drove north on I-75. We both had to pee so I stopped at a McDonald’s in a rural area along the freeway. When we got back in the truck, we both stared at each other in a passionate uncontrollable way. Our lips were like two powerful magnets drawn to each other at polar opposites that must come together. We made out right there in the parking lot on that cold winter night in January, but things felt pretty warm inside my truck. I unbuttoned her pants as we kissed and my index finger found its way inside her. She was already wet so my fat finger just slipped right in. She unbuttoned my pants and began stroking my cock. I leaned back in to kiss her and stopped short nose to nose, staring intensely into her beautiful brown eyes. I started fingering her fast and hard, never breaking eye contact or even blinking. Although her hand was still on my cock, she lost her focus on it because of the pleasure I was giving her. Her complexion suddenly changed as she came and my entire hand was soaking wet. We noticed a few people coming our way to get to their cars so we quickly buttoned up. I looked up and saw a camera that I hadn’t noticed before. That made me a little nervous so I started the truck and drove off. We were both still grinning from ear to ear as we got back on the freeway. She said, “Now your hand is all dirty”, so I put my fingers in my mouth and told her how great she tasted. She said, “Thanks for doing that for me. Now I won’t have to do it myself tonight”. I said, “I assure you the pleasure was all mine”.

Categorized as Erotica

Feminine Body Hair

It’s kind of a touchy subject to talk about feminine body hair. People misinterpret what you’re trying to say and shut you down before you can finish, like “eww gross”, so I’ll try to ease my way into the discussion. I’ve always been open to different cultures and the way they groom and dress. Women shaving their armpits and legs actually hasn’t been common that long in America. I think it actually started back in the 20s with a few women and grew more and more popular over the decades, little by little. The “bush” seemed to become less popular after Y2K. I used to believe that grooming the personal area was just a feminine thing but I’ve noticed that men have picked up on the trend too. I keep my pubic hair trimmed to blend with the rest of my body hair and keep my armpit hair very thin. It makes me feel better and it’s easier and more effective to apply deodorant, to each his or her own. So here’s one way to look at it. If a wife or girlfriend trims or waxes her bikini area for swimsuit season, I think that’s cool. But if she decides to let her legs and armpit hair grow during the colder winter months, I’m cool with that too. Women has so much judgement placed on them that men does not, and it isn’t right! Give her a break already guys, it’s just hair so whoopty doo, you’ve got it too! It’s her choice if she wants to go weeks or months without shaving. She’s still the same sexy girl. It’s also hard to talk about body hair without talking about sweat, so here we go again with the childish “eww gross” thing. Women have told me one reason they shave is to help control sweat, which in turn helps to control body odor. But here’s something they may or may not know, endorphins are released in sweat both male and female. That’s the odorless scent released that causes the opposite sexes to be attracted to each other, even sexual chemistry if you will. I’m not talking about the need for a shower after a hard day’s work in July, or the nasty filthy sweat that comes from doing yard work for hours. Sweat is odorless until mixed with bacteria, dirt, or anything else you pick up from the surrounding area. Certain foods you eat will cause body odor through sweat like garlic and curry. But pure sweat is odorless. Most people who exercise are clean before they begin their work out (most). When I run in the mornings, I have either showered the night before or that morning before I run, and then of course again when I get back home. How many times have you seen someone at the gym or track with sweat rings on their clothes and felt a little turned on by that? That’s endorphins. You may be turned on by the sweat of one individual yet repulsed by the sweat of another, that’s still endorphins at work. Yet it seems like we’re all trying to prevent sweat as much as possible, masking it over with perfume, cologne, and super strong scented deodorants, killing the endorphins, our natural chemical attraction to each other. That’s a fact so look it up. Again, remember I’m talking about natural odorless sweat, not to be confused with the dirty nasty grimey mix. I’m talking about the heated sweat between two lovers as they devour each other’s body passionately while caught up in the lust of concupiscence. So is that “eww gross”? I don’t think so. A woman’s natural scent is a powerful aphrodisiac to a man, so ladies, don’t go masking that over with something like FDS. I always told people, jokingly of course, that FDS stands for female dog spray, lol. How many men have been caught sniffing a woman’s dirty panties, again…endorphins at work. ? When her natural scent is enhanced and amplified by a little natural sweat, that drives me out of my freaking mind! Crazy hot aphrodisiac!! Extreme need to taste and devour her vagina! Don’t get me wrong, I do like perfume, body wash, and cologne, but none of those things ever got me hard. So now I’ll discuss the real topic of this document, feminine body hair. Why is it looked down on so much in America and not other countries? Here’s my viewpoint in a nutshell, some women can rock a full bush with hairy pits and some cannot. I hate to use celebrities as an example but I will. There was a trend at one time by Paparazzi to capture pics of female celebrities unshaven. A photo surfaced of Julia Roberts on the set of Notting Hill, waving to fans with armpit stubble showing. It was all over the news, front page stuff. I didn’t think it was a big deal at all but I will say I didn’t find it sexy either. It just didn’t suit her style and that was my opinion. But what about some of the other women like Penelope Cruz? There was a topless scene in Captain Corelli’s Mandolin where she appeared with Nicholas Cage, making love on a hillside. The thing that caught everyone’s eyes was not her beautiful breast, it was the jet black well manicured hair under her arms. I don’t remember any guy saying “eww gross”, after they saw that movie. That scene was HOT AS FUCK, super sexy! She can rock that jet black well manicured armpit hair for sure, but Julie Roberts…ugh no. Ultimately though, it’s the ladies choice what she wants to do with her body.


Based on a true story

My wife Anna and I have an unusual relationship that’s a little different than most. We are able to communicate with each other at an intimate level and talk about each other’s fantasies. We both have a very high sex drive and talk to each other about what works in the bedroom and what don’t.




True Story – I wake up early in the morning just after sunrise. I reach over and feel your warm half naked body next to me. You’re still asleep and I’m barely awake myself. You know how my hormones peak throughout the night when I sleep and how incredible my erection is first thing. I look at you as you sleep and how beautiful you are, but I must wake you my dear because I feel as though I’m about to explode! I spoon with you from behind for a bit and strategically press against your panties with my incredibly hard cock. I purposely make it throb against you, sort of like knocking on the door and asking for permission to enter. Your eyes slowly open and you become aware of the situation at hand. I know you’re not a morning person but you love me and want to satisfy me, and I love you so much for that. You know that I will take care of you later on this evening when your hormones peak, but for now…this is for me. I roll you over with your eyes still closed and slowly pull down your panties. But just as I begin to penetrate you, you say “Hold on just a minute…I’ve got to pee”. Inwardly I say to myself “Oh for crying out loud” but outwardly I say “Okay sweetie, hurry up”. ? You hurry back to the warmth of our bed and climb under the sheets, and without further ado…I climb on you. Both our eyes are closed because we’re still sleepy but something else down there is very much awake! My well lubed cock finds its way to your pretty little sleepy vagina like a laser guided bunker buster missile, then slowly finds it’s way in. You gasp suddenly and the expression on your face changes, and you say “omg….have you grown since last time? I just grin a little with my eyes still closed and say “no baby it’s not me…it’s just that your coochie is so tiny”. I like it slow in the mornings so I press all the way inside of you, all the way to the back, and I pause and hold myself there and savor the moment. I retract slowly until I almost come out but then thrust hard and deep once more, and pause again at the back to slowly feel the warm and tight sensation you give me. You say “easy baby…you’re too big”, and though I’m flattered by what you say, it’s really just you that’s so small…we fit! Little by little I pick up the pace, with my big hands behind your shoulder blades holding you close to me, kissing your pretty face and neck, building and building until I feel like I’m ready. I place my hands under your butt cheeks to hold you firmly as I press deeply into you those last few times. You know I’m at the edge because you can feel me swell thicker right before I ejaculate. You say “Oh yes baby…I can feel it coming…yes”, just before I moan loudly from the pleasure you give me. I hold that position with your butt cheeks in my hands and my cock pressed deeply inside you, until the sensation is bearable again. I slowly continue to make love to you until I’m limp and no longer able to keep it in. We clean ourselves up and go back to bed, your head is on my chest and my hand caresses your hair. We fall asleep and dream of the next encounter.



I came home from work one day and noticed a trail of clothes in the bedroom. I walked into the bathroom just as the shower went off. She opened the curtain and was a little startled when she saw me. She said, “You scared me a little, I didn’t hear you come in”. I was going to say something but I don’t remember what it was. I was overcome by the sight of her beauty and nakedness. We looked into each others eyes as I was handing her the towel and were both at a loss for words. The uncomfortable silence at that moment caused her to blush a little. I had seen her naked many times but it was a little different this time. I could sense she wanted to cover herself up but was she was powerless to do so. It was a sweet erotic blend between embarrassment and the desire to show me her body. I had an overwhelming urge to taste her which was brought on by her natural scent, the smell that’s undetectable to women but one that a man knows quite well. She was still standing in the shower and I was on the outside. We wrapped our arms around each other and French kissed as the towel fell to the floor. I picked her up and carried her over to the bed. Her body was half dry and hair was unbrushed. She probably thought I was going to make love to her but I had something else in mind. She probably felt like most women do at that moment; like her hair needed to be brushed, nails painted, legs shaved, and pubic area trimmed, but real men don’t care about all those things. I wanted her just as she was, sexy and beautiful.

A Hot Night in January

TRUE STORY: It was our fourth date and we had spent the afternoon in Atlanta. Before we headed back to North Georgia later that evening, we decided to stop at Chili’s for a little drink and appetizer. As we left Chili’s, I mentioned that we should probably wait a little while before I drove to let the alcohol wear off. So we walked across the parking lot to a strip mall to look around inside The Sports Authority. I’m not sure what came over me, maybe it was the two draft beers? But she was walking in front of me and I suddenly got the urge to smack her on the ass, and did so really really hard! She had this look on her face like I’d never seen before. Time seemed to stand still at that moment as I thought to myself “oh man…what was I thinking…why did I do that”? To my surprise, she backed those curvy hips of hers into my crotch and did a firm little booty shake. It was just a little left-right-left grind and no words were spoken about it as we continued to walk through the store. I felt a surge of hormones flow through my body as if I were a teenager again. My cock became half erect as I struggled to regain control of my thoughts. I was determined to be a gentleman cause I’d fallen deeply in love with her and didn’t want to screw things up between us. The little smack that I had applied to Judy’s big juicy booty and her reaction to it were unconscious one’s on both our parts. We both felt the sexual tension building between us and anticipation of how our first time together would be. The moments shortly afterwards were playful ones as we browsed through the store. We found ourselves playing on the exercise equipment. She demoed some of her favorite cardio machines for me. I walked over to the chest press machine and placed the pin in the bottom of the stack of weights. She looked at me and said “you can’t do all that”. The hormone rush that began earlier in me was still going so I felt a little stronger than usual. I took a deep breath and gripped the handles in a cool relaxed manner and slowly pressed the entire stack of weights away from my chest. She was impressed but didn’t know at that time that I used to be a powerlifter, and I was pretty sure I could still do it. I guess it was just the caveman instinct in me to show off like that but she did a little showing off herself too. When we got back in my truck, the situation escalated a little more as I drove down the road. We engaged in intense conversation about things we had never discussed before, sexual things. She complained about how small her boobs were and said she wished they were bigger. I cut her off before she could finish by saying “yeah but you’re athletic and you have that build, and you’re a very attractive woman. We all have things we would change about our bodies if we could”. Then I jokingly said “I wish my dick hung all the way down to my knees but it doesn’t, and there’s nothing I can do about it”. She looked over at me with the most serious look and said “It doesn’t“, and I was left speechless. She busted out laughing and I said, “oh very funny…you got me…you got me good”! And then she looked at me and said the strangest thing, she said “just don’t do it in my mouth”. I hadn’t said anything about a blow job or as to imply but I was beginning to feel pretty optimistic. Our heated conversation continued as I drove north on I-75. We both had to pee so I stopped at a McDonald’s in a rural area along the freeway. When we got back in the truck, we both stared at each other in a passionate uncontrollable way. Our lips were like two powerful magnets drawn to each other at polar opposites that must come together. We made out right there in the parking lot on that cold winter night in January, but things felt pretty warm inside my truck. I unbuttoned her pants as we kissed and my index finger found its way inside her. She was already wet so my fat finger just slipped right in. She unbuttoned my pants and began stroking my cock. I leaned back in to kiss her and stopped short nose to nose, staring intensely into her beautiful brown eyes. I started fingering her fast and hard, never breaking eye contact or even blinking. Although her hand was still on my cock, she lost her focus on it because of the pleasure I was giving her. Her complexion suddenly changed as she came and my entire hand was soaking wet. We noticed a few people coming our way to get to their cars so we quickly buttoned up. I looked up and saw a camera that I hadn’t noticed before. That made me a little nervous so I started the truck and drove off. We were both still grinning from ear to ear as we got back on the freeway. She said, “Now your hand is all dirty”, so I put my fingers in my mouth and told her how great she tasted. She said, “Thanks for doing that for me. Now I won’t have to do it myself tonight”. I said, “I assure you the pleasure was all mine”.

The Naughtiest Thing I’ve Ever Done at Work

TRUE STORY – We always took our lunch breaks together, separate from everyone else. She liked to sit on my lap and I liked it too. I once unbuttoned her pants slowly, while gently kissing her neck and left ear. She thought it was just my hand but I surprised her with a silver bullet. I turned it on high speed and held it against her clitoris with the palm of my hand, while gently inserting my large middle finger inside her. It took every ounce of strength in her body to remain silent as to not alert the other employees just around the corner. She was breathing heavily and gripped the sides of the office chair with a death grip. I was focused on two things, (1) bringing her to orgasm quickly (2) and monitoring the door to keep us both safe. She whispered to me that she was cumming, so I french kissed her to help silence her moans. I knew she came hard because of the tickling sensation she experienced immediately afterwards. I quickly turn off the vibrating egg and buttoned up her pants. I will never forget the look on her face and the thrill we both felt, the thrill of potential getting caught. Her face and skin was flushed blotchy red and my right hand was soaking wet. She said to me “I’ve never been so naughty at work”, and then took the toy from me and never gave it back. She left and went back to the area where she worked because our lunch break was almost over. I tasted my fingers and hesitated to wash my hands right away, but feared that one of my coworkers would recognize the smell of sex on me. That was one of the naughtiest things I’ve ever done at work.