Summer Heat [MMF]

“Oh my god, it is so HOT,” Ashley groaned, leaning back in her chair, frantically fanning herself with a binder. Sweat rolled down her bronzed skin, soaking the white tank top she was wearing. Her dark brown hair, long enough to reach the middle of her back, was rolled into a tight bun to combat it frizzing and wiltering in the intense heat.

Ashley was a nineteen year-old college student, major currently undeclared. Against her parent’s wishes, she had decided to live off-campus this semester, sharing a house with two roommates. What her parents didn’t know, and what would have almost certainly made them forbid her from her current living situation, was that her roommates were both boys. Ashley preferred it that way, though. She had always been a tomboy growing up, and living with a group of girls made her uncomfortable – for some reason she never felt like she really fit in with other girls, always feeling more at place talking to boys. And besides, Mike and Jared were both boys that she had been close friends with growing up, it’s not like they were complete strangers.

Summer Heat [MMF]

“Oh my god, it is so HOT,” Ashley groaned, leaning back in her chair, frantically fanning herself with a binder. Sweat rolled down her bronzed skin, soaking the white tank top she was wearing. Her dark brown hair, long enough to reach the middle of her back, was rolled into a tight bun to combat it frizzing and wiltering in the intense heat.

Ashley was a nineteen year-old college student, major currently undeclared. Against her parent’s wishes, she had decided to live off-campus this semester, sharing a house with two roommates. What her parents didn’t know, and what would have almost certainly made them forbid her from her current living situation, was that her roommates were both boys. Ashley preferred it that way, though. She had always been a tomboy growing up, and living with a group of girls made her uncomfortable – for some reason she never felt like she really fit in with other girls, always feeling more at place talking to boys. And besides, Mike and Jared were both boys that she had been close friends with growing up, it’s not like they were complete strangers.

Taken by the Invaders, part 5 [FFM][MF]

Maria awoke alone, with the sun beating down on her, stretched out on the hide blanket from the previous night. The shaman was gone, his slaves were gone, and Odhan was gone. She was still naked, but it had been a fair night, and she had slept soundly.

She soon realized that there remained a deep, insistent hunger in her. During the ritual last night, she must have ridden Odhan’s cock at least two dozen times, and cum as many times as that as well, but despite the deep ache between her legs, she still hungered. Odhan had never cum inside her. Tiny sparks of pleasure ran up her body as she squeezed her thighs together, and her hips moved insistently, slightly thrusting into the air. Maria bit her lip as her hands traveled down her body to between her legs, spreading herself wide, fingers slipping inside…

Taken by the Invaders part 5 [FFM][MF]

Maria awoke alone, with the sun beating down on her, stretched out on the hide blanket from the previous night. The shaman was gone, his slaves were gone, and Odhan was gone. She was still naked, but it had been a fair night, and she had slept soundly.

She soon realized that there remained a deep, insistent hunger in her. During the ritual last night, she must have ridden Odhan’s cock at least two dozen times, and cum as many times as that as well, but despite the deep ache between her legs, she still hungered. Odhan had never cum inside her. Tiny sparks of pleasure ran up her body as she squeezed her thighs together, and her hips moved insistently, slightly thrusting into the air. Maria bit her lip as her hands traveled down her body to between her legs, spreading herself wide, fingers slipping inside…

“No!” Maria whispered to herself, using all her willpower to wrench her hands away from pleasuring herself. Gods, what was she becoming? Was she nothing but lust, wanting nothing but pleasure? Before she had been captured, no man had ever touched her. Now, she was subjected to unending lust unless Odhan came inside of her?

[FFF][FFFM] Taken by the Invaders, part 4

Maria awoke to the sounds of groaning and yelling echoing through the camp, from inside the tent. She had fallen asleep reading the book Odhan had given her, sprawled, undignified, among her piles of sorted artifacts.

At first, she thought she was just hearing the groans and yells of returning captured slaves. But the voices were too deep, and pained, for that to be the case. Maria rushed to the entrance of the tent, not caring that she was wearing nothing but her loincloth, out into the warm night.

In the flickering shadows of the bonfires lit around camp, she saw the returning raiders – many limping along, some being carried, though the majority of them seemed to be fine. Maria could not tell whether those being carried were wounded or dead. She felt her heart drop into the pit of her stomach.

“Odhan?” she yelled, running out into the camp towards the lines of returning men. She could hear someone else yelling his name as well, though she did not know who it was. “ODHAN?!”

[FFF][FFFM] Taken by the Invaders, part 4

Maria awoke to the sounds of groaning and yelling echoing through the camp, from inside the tent. She had fallen asleep reading the book Odhan had given her, sprawled, undignified, among her piles of sorted artifacts.

At first, she thought she was just hearing the groans and yells of returning captured slaves. But the voices were too deep, and pained, for that to be the case. Maria rushed to the entrance of the tent, not caring that she was wearing nothing but her loincloth, out into the warm night.

In the flickering shadows of the bonfires lit around camp, she saw the returning raiders – many limping along, some being carried, though the majority of them seemed to be fine. Maria could not tell whether those being carried were wounded or dead. She felt her heart drop into the pit of her stomach.

“Odhan?” she yelled, running out into the camp towards the lines of returning men. She could hear someone else yelling his name as well, though she did not know who it was. “ODHAN?!”

[MF][FF] Taken by the Invaders, part 3

Maria gasped beneath Odhan as he slid inside of her, sweat dripping off his bronzed flesh, their shared tent dimply lit by a few candles. Maria herself was drenched in sweat as well. She looked up at him, at his wild green cat’s eyes, his tiny smirk, and then, gasping, looked the length of her body, between her legs, to see him sliding in and out of her, slowly. Just seeing that, seeing his length, and feeling it, as it slowly filled her up, nearly sent her over the edge, and she threw her head back and cried out in pleasure, knowing that the other people in the camp could hear her, not caring.

This had been her life for the past week. The Dragon-men had not moved their camp since capturing her. Odhan would go out to hunt, during the day, and come back and make love to her at night, fucking her on and off for hours. Maria tried to tell herself that she was being used, that this was against her will, that she was a slave captured by murderers, but it was getting harder to deny that she loved the feel of his sweaty, muscled flesh on top of her, the feel of his cock sliding into her, pressing into her deep, the orgasms that made her mind go blank and her body shake.

[MF][FF] Taken by the Invaders, part 3

Maria gasped beneath Odhan as he slid inside of her, sweat dripping off his bronzed flesh, their shared tent dimply lit by a few candles. Maria herself was drenched in sweat as well. She looked up at him, at his wild green cat’s eyes, his tiny smirk, and then, gasping, looked the length of her body, between her legs, to see him sliding in and out of her, slowly. Just seeing that, seeing his length, and feeling it, as it slowly filled her up, nearly sent her over the edge, and she threw her head back and cried out in pleasure, knowing that the other people in the camp could hear her, not caring.

This had been her life for the past week. The Dragon-men had not moved their camp since capturing her. Odhan would go out to hunt, during the day, and come back and make love to her at night, fucking her on and off for hours. Maria tried to tell herself that she was being used, that this was against her will, that she was a slave captured by murderers, but it was getting harder to deny that she loved the feel of his sweaty, muscled flesh on top of her, the feel of his cock sliding into her, pressing into her deep, the orgasms that made her mind go blank and her body shake.

[MF] [Fantasy]Taken by the Invaders part 2

Maria awoke with a start, not knowing, initially, where she was. It was the dull ache between her legs that reminded her.

She was in the dusty hide tent of the barbarians, the enormous wild men that had captured her, slaughtering the men in her village, and last night, she had given herself to her captor, Odhan, letting him touch her as no man ever had, letting him fuck her, begging for it, for hours on end, in a blinding whirlwind of sweat and pleasure.

She glanced to her side. She was laying on top of her captor, her head on his enormous, broad chest, his arms wrapped almost tenderly around her. She immediately leaped up from the pile of soft hides that served as his bed, feeling an intense wave of shame and disgust. How could she have? How could she have let this murderous, bloodthirsty monster –

But he didn’t really seem like that much of a bloodthirsty monster, did he? He was enormous – at least a foot and a half taller than any man Maria had ever seen – and tan, with thick muscles, very pleasing to the eye, and a wild mane of long dark hair. He was gorgeous. It was hard for Maria to deny how much just looking at him turned her on. And he had not touched her until she had begged for it –

[MF] Taken by the Invaders part 2

Maria awoke with a start, not knowing, initially, where she was. It was the dull ache between her legs that reminded her.

She was in the dusty hide tent of the barbarians, the enormous wild men that had captured her, slaughtering the men in her village, and last night, she had given herself to her captor, Odhan, letting him touch her as no man ever had, letting him fuck her, begging for it, for hours on end, in a blinding whirlwind of sweat and pleasure.

She glanced to her side. She was laying on top of her captor, her head on his enormous, broad chest, his arms wrapped almost tenderly around her. She immediately leaped up from the pile of soft hides that served as his bed, feeling an intense wave of shame and disgust. How could she have? How could she have let this murderous, bloodthirsty monster –

But he didn’t really seem like that much of a bloodthirsty monster, did he? He was enormous – at least a foot and a half taller than any man Maria had ever seen – and tan, with thick muscles, very pleasing to the eye, and a wild mane of long dark hair. He was gorgeous. It was hard for Maria to deny how much just looking at him turned her on. And he had not touched her until she had begged for it –