I bought a new swimsuit.. but you’re not here..

I wish..

Any idea how much I miss you on days like these?

I wake up, sleepy as fuck. I roll over and start reaching for your side of the bed, trying to cuddle you. My fingers touch a cold and empty part of the sheets, instead of my warm muscular boyfriend. With a sigh I roll onto your pillow, and try to fall asleep again. Damnit that pillow smells like you.

I wake up a few hours later and check my phone.. no texts, nobody that really needs me today.. it’s 12:32 and I haven’t done a single useful thing. I squirm around under the blankets, trying to get comfy. This is often the moment I notice how wet my pussy actually is.. might be because of the things I fantasized about before falling asleep on your pillow again.. I feel myself up a little while thinking about you. I don’t finish though. I like a bit of a tease.

After going for a drink I come back upstairs and remember my swimsuit. Who knows. A few dirty pictures never hurt right? So.. I squeeze my tits into the swimsuit. Its a tight fit. Thank God those pre-inserted cups are removable. We both know I’m too busty for those. I take that first picture and my thoughts are drifting off.