[MMF] my first ever threesome.

So back in 2019, I started attending university in Virginia, and being so far away from my girlfriend, I thought, why not try and open the relationship. There’s so many college girls that I must have, haha. Well after some convincing we opened the relationship, and didn’t have much success, only finding one sexual partner, while my gf found several, even getting caught by her roommate who wasn’t aware of the arrangement.

Well, she really hit it off with one of her partners and they’ve actually met several times over the last few years to hang out. And of course fuck.

Last year, I got to go meet him and we talked about how he was fucking her and what I thought of it, and of course me being the cuck I am, told him it was the hottest thing ever. And basically the whole night was leading up to the bedroom, with both of us teasing her about what we wanted to do.