Update. Sort o[F]. On to a great start!

So, if you’ve read my [previous story](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11k413c/i_finally_fucked_my_bestfriend/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), the whole wedding has now gone and passed. And even if I didnt catch the bouquet, I know I’m going to be more than ok now.

Warning. Feelings. Ew.

Quick few notes. I became an improptu wedding planner and emcee at my bestfriend’s, G’s, reception. Because the original one we hired got sick. As one can imagine I was stressed beyond all belief. But one guy, let’s call him C, helped me through EVERYTHING. Even if I almost tore his dick off a few times out of stress induced rage. Also shouted and argued and said things people should never say to one another.

So to the story. Wedding was done. We packed up. Left. And we were on the way back to the hotel we were staying in. The whole ride C kept looking at me with a dumb smile on his face saying I did a good job. And I ignored it because at the time I felt it was patronizing and I was tired as all hell from the stress and all the emotions. I was literally a red light away from punching for praising me.

I [F]inally fucked [M]y bestfriend…

But he’s getting married next weekend. And I’m his best woman.

Warning I will sound like a totally needy and thirsty bitch. But bare with me.

We’ve been best friends ever since our first year of university. He’s not even my type physically. But we just understood each other and bonded so well. I never believed in soulmates but our friendship made me consider the possibility that he was mine.

Flashback to last year. When I found out that he was going to propose to another friend of our’s. I got jealous and desperate. I asked him over and we hung out. And I pulled out all the stops. Oversized shirt and panties a bit of make up and got my hair to look “messy”. We watched lotr and some hentai (we’ve done that before) and had drinks. It was to “celebrate” his soon proposal. I had other plans.