More Than She Bargained For Part 1

More Than She Bargained For Part 1…….(CNC Fun)
Summer weather in upstate NY, not a bad scene. Weather was starting to cool off and the grass was growing and green. Masks were starting to come off and the city was starting to liven up once more. Ally was 25 years old and felt like she missed a part of her life. She graduated during the pandemic and was lucky enough to find a starter job. She had her own apartment in the state’s capital, nothing serious, basic admin stuff working from home. She poured through the files, correcting errors and calling applicants to fix their information so it can be processed. She was bored. No coworkers to talk and flirt with, barely any friends around. “Where was the excitement in my twenties at?” she thought to herself. She knows that she isn’t such a whore really, but part of her needs to get fucked. Over the past year, day and day, the only sexual release was running through the Reddit platforms. At least twice a day she touched herself. There wasn’t much she hadn’t touched herself to, imagining herself in all of the different situations. Her own imagination is a collection of tags she saw on the many different sites.

February Surprise (Sim non-con/reluctance FMMM)

It was midnight on a cold February night. A girl’s laughter could be heard just barely throughhh the loud thumping of a corner bar. Alisha and her friends stumbled out of the bar. “Oh my god that was so fun. I haven’t had a night like that in a long.” Alisha stammered. Hey friend Brittney replied, “I am so glad you got to come out with us. It’s too bad Gabe couldn’t come out with us.”

“That reminds me, I should tell him I’m on my way home. He still worries when I am out late and not by his side in bed.” Alisha exclaimed. She pulled out her phone and started to quickly tap a message as best as she could in her state of mind. Stacey chimed in, “Awww…must be nice to still have someone worry about you. Frank wouldn’t care less if I didn’t come home for a few days even. He wouldn’t even know I exist outside of sports if I didn’t bring him dinner to his chair once in awhile!” Stacey laughed.

Tales From A Pervert Redditor Part Two

Tales From A Pervert Redditor Part 2

It was a long weekend after their online tryst. They previously made a rule to only speak during the daytime during the work week. They wanted to ensure that their private sessions didn’t interfere with their home life. Never outside the daytime, no changing their situation, only talk over messages on Kik, no plans on meeting….maybe some rules are meant to be broken….

Saturday turned out to be a long day. Clark struggled to get through the day without his thoughts wandering towards Mary. He snuck to the bathroom to enjoy the video she sent him once more. As he stroked himself, he couldn’t feel anything but empty desire. It just wasn’t the same. It just wasn’t that moment in time again. It was far less satisfying the second time around. His mind started to imagine himself inside of her. Feeling her imaginary fingers curled into his hair as he was on top of her. He imagined her soft thighs wrapped around his hips, matching every thrust.

Tales From a Pervert Redditor Part One

Tales From A Pervert Redditor Part One

He is a pervert. He knows it, and hides it well. Multiple accounts for his different tastes. His wife and children don’t know about his need for constant stimulation of his need for nudity and porn. By day, he surfs the dark corners of Reddit to fulfill that need for for attention. He wants desperately what he can’t have from his wife or even doesn’t want from his wife. The sheer taboo of it all of talking and sexting other women is the thrill. A dirty little secret hidden in the back of his mind that he bears alone. This is his story of when things go from fantasy to fulfillment in the flesh.

How many times to married people chat to each other just to have conversation drop off over boredom or ghosting each other due to seeing that first picture or chasing the next direct message. What happens to the dog chasing the car when he finally catches it?

Company Ink Part 2 (Cheating)

Company Ink Part 2 (Cheating)

After waking up the next morning, Amber thought it was strange that her fantasy drifted off to her coworker. She started to get a sense that she has wanted him for awhile, but never realized Allen was available. Her thoughts started to wander off thinking of what could be. Her thoughts started to plan out what she was going to do with her new fantasy. She made up her mind that she was going to act on it. Amber knew it was a bad idea, but she didn’t care. She got up and started getting ready for the morning. She decided she was going to act normal for right now and find out a little bit more about Allen.

She dressed in her usual conservative business attire, packed her stuff up and left for work. She arrived at work at her typical time. Nothing out of the ordinary. Started doing her daily work for a couple hours, eyeing the people walking by her open door, checking for Allen. Her office was right next to his, but she felt weird for going over there for no reason. She heard his words through some business conversations. They were both QA analysts for different departments so most of their work focused on checking over reports and preparing their findings at the weekly meeting. No news was always good news.

Company Ink Part 1 (Solo Female)

Company Ink Part 1

“This week is never going to end” she sighed to herself. It was only Wednesday. It was a chilly April night and Amber was just trying to get through the week. She laid back on her living room sofa, a glass of wine in one hand and her phone in the other. A singular motion on her phone, her thumb repeatedly swept back and forth. Her eyes scanned each and every profile, as if looking for excuses to deny each guy.

“Probably too into himself”, she thought, scrolling past another picture of six-pack abs. She snickered, shaking her head, as she passed up on a man who spent way too much time on his beard. She swiped away a few more men. Nature boys who will hike one time just to say they like the outdoors, fake cultured men who think one red wine is better than the next, weekend warriors who play with their guns, none of which seem any more real than the next.

Company Ink (Part 3)

After a few minutes, Amber got up off of Allen’s lap and leaned back against the desk. Allen was stunned by what just happened. Red-face and flustered, trying to put his clothes back to a half decent state, Allen quickly started his escape muttering, “I’m sorry…..I am sooooo sorry.” Trying to get a word in edge wise, Amber tried to interject, “No, don’t leave….it’s okay. I wanted that.” He was obviously embarrassed and caught off-guard by what just happened.

Allen quickly left the office in a sweat. As he got into the elevator, he started to tuck his shirt back and gave himself a once over to ensure he didn’t have an appearance of just having sex. Once in the lobby, he stopped at the lobby bathroom. He washed his hands and his face trying to remove any scent of another woman.He stretch his neck to look for any evidence of another woman around the collar of his shirt. He looked over his body. His clothes seemed to be okay. He decided to head home, repeating to himself to just act like it didn’t happen.

Company Ink Part 2 (Cheating)

After waking up the next morning, Amber thought it was strange that her fantasy drifted off to her coworker. She started to get a sense that she has wanted him for awhile, but never realized Allen was available. Her thoughts started to wander off thinking of what could be. Her thoughts started to plan out what she was going to do with her new fantasy. She made up her mind that she was going to act on it. Amber knew it was a bad idea, but she didn’t care. She got up and started getting ready for the morning. She decided she was going to act normal for right now and find out a little bit more about Allen.

She dressed in her usual conservative business attire, packed her stuff up and left for work. She arrived at work at her typical time. Nothing out of the ordinary. Started doing her daily work for a couple hours, eyeing the people walking by her open door, checking for Allen. Her office was right next to his, but she felt weird for going over there for no reason. She heard his words through some business conversations. They were both QA analysts for different departments so most of their work focused on checking over reports and preparing their findings at the weekly meeting. No news was always good news.

Company Ink Part 1

Company Ink Part 1

“This week is never going to end” she sighed to herself. It was only Wednesday. It was a chilly April night and Amber was just trying to get through the week. She laid back on her living room sofa, a glass of wine in one hand and her phone in the other. A singular motion on her phone, her thumb repeatedly swept back and forth. Her eyes scanned each and every profile, as if looking for excuses to deny each guy.

“Probably too into himself”, she thought, scrolling past another picture of six-pack abs. She snickered, shaking her head, as she passed up on a man who spent way too much time on his beard. She swiped away a few more men. Nature boys who will hike one time just to say they like the outdoors, fake cultured men who think one red wine is better than the next, weekend warriors who play with their guns, none of which seem any more real than the next.