Lisa in Toronto (part 2)

Part 1:

The dark bar continued its nightly business. At the same time, Patty was in the rainbow lounge. She and Eliot had met there at eight and, though Patty was an accomplished drinker, Eliot had managed to get her completely smashed. After successfully concluding their business, Eliot had challenged her to match him drink for drink with bourbon shots. Two hours later, eleven shots apiece had been ordered and drunk and they were still going.

Patty was sitting at a table in the dark. Her big boobs, the cleavage of which was exposed in an obscenely low-cut neckline of her tight black dress, were resting on the tabletop in front of her. Eliot, a good-looking man in his fifties, was slumped back in his chair. They were staring at each other drunkenly. The twelfth shot for each of them was sitting on the table in front of them. Patty was trying to muster the stamina to drink it.

Patty managed to break the silence. “You gonna dring thasshot or


“I’m gonna drink it, don’t worry.” Eliot was not as drunk as Patty, but only because he was a man and was bigger.

Lisa in Toronto (part 1)

Lisa Marks was the youngest to graduate top of her class at Harvard Business School. She was nineteen. She lost out on much of the social life at Harvard by being so young, but she used the time for study – which was how she liked it. So it was no surprise that within the year that she got the job as junior account executive with the largest PR firm in Boston. Even so it was to be an uphill swim. She was the youngest executive at the firm and was one of just two women executives. The other one, Patty was 40 years old and they both represented the women of the department against eight men at the executive level

“I’m not convinced this firm has actually made it into the twenty-first

century,” Patty said when they first started working together. “If I wasn’t pretty, I’m sure I wouldn’t be working here, no matter what my abilities were.”