The Pit [MF] [NC] [Teratophilia] [Interspecies] [Eldritch Abomination]

I could sense her long before she reached my lair. Fear. It was so thick I could taste it. She continued through the pouring rain.

The waiting was the hardest. I knew she might not reach me on her own. I would chase her if she didn’t.

She was *my* female.

It turned out my worries were for naught. Each step she took, she was closer to me.

I’d been alone for so long.

The humans had forgotten me. Like so many of my kind.

We were eternal.

And alone.

Shivering and crying. She stopped to try and compose herself.

When she finally saw me, I couldn’t imagine that my female would feel any better.

She would get used to me. In time.

My female would be mine and mine alone. There would only be the two of us in my lair. No one else to try and take her attention from me. I just needed to get her in my grasp.

I didn’t have to wait long.

She might not have fallen in if she wasn’t frightened out of her mind. Lucky for me, she was.

Troll [MM] [Rape] [Kidnapping] [Stalking] [Forced Cross-dressing] [Incel] [Misogyny]

The throbbing in his head was the first thing Sebastian became aware of. The chill in the air was the second thing.

Something was just… off. He could tell before he even opened his eyes. The feel of the room… Was he in his bedroom? It didn’t seem like it. It felt like he was on the floor. A stone floor…

There was no stone floor in his apartment.

He managed to pry his eyes open. As the realization of his situation set in, his breath caught in his throat and ice ran through his veins.

A concrete floor. A single bulb hanging in the center of the room illuminated a few storage shelves, cardboard boxes, and an old office chair.

A basement?



He raised his hands to his face to rub his eyes and heard the rattling, felt something around his wrists.

Chains? What…? Manacles?

He struggled against them only to realize he was actually chained to the wall. That wasn’t the only thing he noticed.

“The fuck…?!”