I [M] was 33 and she [F] was 45, from the south — a treasure chest of experience, kink, and drive like none-other! Story 1 of 2.

First off, thanks for the warm welcome — first story caught a lot of attention, so this guy is feeling flattered!

I was encouraged to write more — so — while on the topic of slutty office behavior (myself chief among them) I’ll recall a story about a period of time when I was traveling to and from the south on a regular basis. These stories are all true, and reflect a period of my life working for a company that was liberal both in its work setting as well as its culture. These events and the details have been slightly modified as to not tip off anyone who may be reading this for discretion and privacy.

As part of my job, I frequently traveled to and from our client’s offices in various cities. Mainly the west coast and south (Louisiana/Florida/South Carolina), and one time in Vegas which I might write about later on.

I 35 [M] – Had the wildest sexual encounters with two slutty office [FF] colleagues…

A bit of background and context. This occurred about 3 years ago when we still worked in offices and got free food on Friday’s to make up for the suck that is office life. This is a true story; however, the names and roles/times have been adjusted a bit.

TLDR: I was seeing someone else, but fucking two office colleagues one-on-one and together, but it started with a night at a bar, public fingering and gushing in front of friends and co-workers. I wasn’t their boss, but an executive, 5 ranks their superior and almost 10 years their senior. Fs were 23/25, M was 32.

The backstory:

A junior staffer had just joined the ranks of our team — dirty-blonde and buxom; probably the most perfect word to describe her, along with an unreal pair of legs, perfectly round ass, and an all around charm that would make most men completely weak at the knees.

In addition to this, another junior staffer had also started, on the same account, and while not as curved and gifted as the other, equally pretty and just as outgoing and fun.