[MF] Writer’s Block

So there I was, suffering from writer’s block badly. I’d been typing away at this for what seemed like a few hours and was getting nowhere. To say I was frustrated would be an understatement.

I heard the door open downstairs. “I’m still up here” I called out with a groan, “and still not getting anywhere.”

“That’s not good” I heard as the door closed “can you take a break?”

“I guess I should, let me just finish this bit” I said as I saw her walking up the stairs. She flashed me a smile, her arms full of books, rugged up in her big coat. Even wrapped in her coat she was still a sight – just short of shoulder length brown hair, in that hot almost sex hair semi messy style, mouth that was always with a hint of a cheeky smile and eyes that could never not have a twinkle in them. Frustratingly the coat hid her figure but I knew from extensive and thorough investigation that she, being a part time personal trainer, was lean and perky, without being over the top. The type of figure you’d sneak a longer than usual look at the beach – and I’d noticed enough people, guys and girls doing it, to be certain.

The [M]aid O[f] Honor [FM] [public]

I was lying in bed, watching but not really paying attention to Sunday night tv. My phone had vibrated and I’d seen a message from *Mandy* “Hey just at the reception, I’ll be able to duck out for a sec if you want to come up, see me in my Maid of Honor’s dress and say hi?”
“Sure, been wanting to see you in the dress, it looked great when you showed me the photo at the shop. I’ll walk up now?”
“Great, I’ll be a couple of minutes, meet you in the yard of that place 4 doors down, you’ll be able to work out which one.”

So I turn the tv off, put on a pair of converse and a hoodie and walk out the front of my house. The reception for the wedding *Mandy* messaged me about is, through a great coincidence, only around the corner of mine, maybe 200 – 300 yards at most. The night was really dark and had been a bit warmer than I expected. “Glad I was wearing shorts” I’d thought to myself. I’d met *Mandy* about 6 months ago online and we’d really hit it off. She was refreshingly fun, always looking at the bright side of everything, and incredibly incredibly sexy with an amazing ass and a smile that would drive anyone wild.