I should start at the beginning. But that would be too much of a bore. I mean I lost my virginity at 21. Not that it was a bad experience; it’s just that I should have started sooner. I mean, I had been missing out on a lot of fun. So I’m not going to start with the boring bits, I’ll start with the exciting–juicy–bits. This journal will be comprised of my sexual adventures. Eventually, I would like to have written down enough material so that I can submit this stuff for publication.
I am not an established writer; I’ve just been given an opportunity to get some things out there. But being the lazy bum I am, I can’t get myself to write any stuff down. My editor, God bless her, told me to set up a blog to at least help me write so that eventually I can write down some material for the sake of publication.
So here goes nothing.