[FM] I took my best friends virginity before his gf could

I know it sounds bad, but I was young. I’ve never shared this with anyone before. This is such an honest confession.

When I was in my first year of highschool, I quickly became friends with the “weird” quiet guy at the back of the class. We would go on to be best friends, doing everything in school, and out of school together. We will call him J. We were definitely crushing on each other by our second year, but nothing ever happened. In our third year together, we were both in our first serious relationships with other people. (All 18+) I was in a relationship for the first half of the school year, and he was in a relationship for the second half. My boyfriend at the time had taken my virginity the year before. He was older than me, and way more experienced. I broke up with him around spring break time.

I came out of the fetish closet [FM]

To start, I’ve been with my partner for just over 9 years, married for 6. We’ve known each other for 14 years total, and we always liked each other before we got together. Both of us were constantly in relationships with other people before we landed on each other 9 years ago. I was 22(f), and he was 23(m).

Anywho, we’ve always had fairly basic sex. Good sex, but pretty vanilla still. I had never experienced an orgasm with ANY partner, (20 different people before my spouse) and I didn’t have an orgasm with my husband until about 3 years ago. So 6 years into our relationship. At the time, we shyly purchased a bullet vibrator together to use during sex, after never using any sex toy before (like I said, vanilla) and put it to use that night. I came so hard and so fast during sex using the bullet. We still use the same vibrator to this day 3 years later, and it still makes me cum hard 99% of our sessions. That 1 thing changed our sex so much. Since purchasing that sex toy, we have bought 6 more sex toys.