[F] When a stranger saw me skinny dipping, I sucked him off.

Recently, I experienced skinny dipping for the first time with a female friend. It seemed like the ideal chance, we were both attending a party in a hall right next to the beach. Around midnight, we made the decision to strip together under the pier of the public beach, and we brought a stack of paper towels to clean off with.

The only thing I could make out on the dark, deserted beach was the outline of our silhouettes. As we ran into the water and splashed around for a while, we left our clothes on the sand. We made the decision to leave after about fifteen minutes and dry off before returning to the celebration.

The majority of the paper towels naturally blew away. To be fair to us, we were stoned, so that didn’t even occur to us. She put on her dress and went to get us some more because it quickly became cold and windy and she had only 2 paper towels left. I was supposed to wait for her underneath the pier.