***This is my first time writing something like this so I know its not going to be perfect but I appreciate any helpful criticism or if anyone enjoys these types of stories. If you like the story let me know and maybe I’ll post more.***
Tracy: Honey what are we going to do?
Jim: look, we’re not behind on the mortgage payment and I’m not going to start now
Tracy: Then what do you suggest we do? Because we’re 1 week away from not being able to pay the utilities around here.
Jim: I don’t know honey but I know we will figure it out. I mean with airbnb or us just renting out the spare room. We could easily afford our bills and even be able to finally start saving.
Tracy: well I guess that could work but I don’t know how I feel about some random stranger living with us or even having a roommate for that matter. I mean we’re not college kids anymore.
Jim: well the way I see it. If we have someone rent out the guest room we can pay off the mortgage within 5 months and we won’t have another incident like this.