[FM] Cousin fingered me on the shared bed during a cruise trip

The 5 of us share a room with 2 beds on a cruise ship and during the board game night the spicy stuff happened.

It was me laying on my stomach next to Max on the bed and I had the thick blanket over my butt and lower back. I practically wore only a loose shorts down under because I have been trying to tease Max since the very first day and it turned out to be a successful attempt. After a while I could felt his hand slightly runny over my thighs and when ever we got a winning match he would react by pressing and tapping on my legs. I knew that he was just checking my reaction to see if I was comfortable with his actions or not. And ofc I was (I wanted it badly too) so everytime he did that I would just react by shouting loudly as a proof that I only care about the game and not his hand being naughty. After a few more rounds, Max’s left hand was practically resting on my ass but his fingers movement was subtle – just slightly wandering on my skin and under the blanket. We never really looked at each other and it took a while until he got a bit more daring and slight his two finger deeper to touch my drenched pussy.

[F] I work as a bartender at a local bar. I just pulled out my butt plug and gave it to a customer during my shift and got tipped 200$.

New account for obvious reason.

So I am a caucasian girl who have moved to this beautiful tropical country. I love the food and the people. Albeit the hot weather all year rounds. The living standards here is reasonable so with only 2 jobs I am already able to rent a one bedroom apartment close to the beach and live comfortably.

So this story is related to my second job that I work as a side gig somewhat. I work as a solo bartender (not pro) for a small local bar or tap room or whatever you want to call it. The actual part that is considered a bar is actually quite small and could only cater to a maximum of 6 people at once and it is placed at the garden outdoor. It is a speak easy bar so most people would rather sit as a group in another part of the space or indoor where they could hide from the heat. Under this circumstance I often get bored since there would occasionally be 1, 2 or 3 customers sitting in front of me at most. And I don’t like to be bored, I always wanted to have some fun even if it’s work and it tends to be a bit daring haha!