[M]y [F]irst time with Emmy

This took place several years ago after I had turned 21. Names have been changed for obvious reasons. If I make any mistakes I apologize, I’m typing this out on my phone, it’s late, and I’m about 6 deep into a 12 pack… and autocorrect hates me. Plus I was never a stellar writer. If you want to skip the back story find the asterisks.

It was early March, still early enough to get kinda chilly in the evenings even in central Florida. My buddy James decided to have a bonfire on a Friday night and invited our usual friend group over and told us to invite whoever we wanted.

I went over to James’ family farm to help him set up after I got off work. I was setting up bales of straw around the brush pile as he was bringing in more and more brush to burn.

James has a reputation for building huge fires so I left plenty of room between the brush pile and the bales of straw but I wouldn’t be surprised if they ended up on fire by the end of the night.