[F] – The pizza boy – he came again ;)

Oh my sluts. It was a crazy evening.
Yesterday it happened again – finally. As lazy as I am sometimes after studying and working, I ordered a pizza. It was my second time after my last confession about the pizza delivery guy. But the first time it wasn’t his shift. But yesterday it was.

So what happened?
As always I ordered online and while I was typing in my contact infos I already felt my pulse rising as I imagined what I would do or how I’d react if HE really delivered the pizza again. And most importantly how would he react? I mean we don’t know each other. I don’t know what he’s up to, whether he has a partner or what he is doing besides delivering pizza. So it was just a lot going through my mind, but mostly how great and naughty the first fuck was and that I wanted it again.

45 minutes later someone rang the doorbell and guess who it was…yes my guy. I opened the door and he looked at me smiling but also confident. He handed me the pizza and let himself in. I didn’t mind. I actually liked his upbeat attitude.

[FFM] [Bi] the camping trip (part 4)

“Good girl, you seem to like to taste me”, Caire said as she turned around, sat on top of me showing me her ass and pussy. “Now, you can close your eyes or look at my pussy, whatever you like. Just enjoy”, as she said that she stuck two fingers inside me and finger fucked the world out of me…

I closed my eyes and felt her fingers filling out my wet cunt. It felt like a forbidden fruit but it was so good. I muffled something, she kept going. I spread my legs for her so she could reach deep down. Claire massaged me from the inside with two fingers and knew exactly the spots you had to touch. I never had this intimate feeling with a guy. It was always trial and error with them but she seemed to know exactly what I wanted. I opened my eyes and saw her bending over so I could see her pussy and asshole right in front of me. I noticed them twitching. My moaning and wetness must had made her hornier than ever.

[FFM] [Bi] The camping trip (Part 1) -Reup

Quarantine sucks and so does the lock down. But this week was different. This week was fun again. The weather was nice and since my best friend Claire and her cousin James wanted to go camping and asked me if I wanted to come with them the week got even more exciting.

Claire for starters is the girl I fingered myself next to on my couch last weekend. And for those who have read my story they knew that I got so turned on by her next to me that I thought about asking her to help me next time. Well, I suppose the camping trip was supposed to be my chance.

It was a short trip from Monday to Wednesday. But two days in a tent are actually enough.


Claire and James picked me up on Monday morning at eight o’clock. I was excited and had my backpack already packed sitting next to the door. I made myself a latte to go and waited outside on the patio for them to arrive. As I saw the ford pick up turning into my street I jumped up, took my backpack and walked slowly toward the ford.

[F] 20-Fucking myself on the balcony while neighbors have a barbecue

This was so hot. I have been horny since I woke up. The weather was great so I decided to spend my day on my balcony. Drinking coffee, reading a book, checking Reddit, eating. What people do when it’s sunny outside and don’t have to work.

Well, I don’t know how you folks tick, but I’m usually horny pretty fast and almost masturbate every day. and so I was also horny this day, lying in my sunbed and thinking about how nice it would be to have a dick inside my pussy. To be honest it has been a while and I still think about it. The visualization of his (anyone’s hard cock thrusting in my pussy made me very wet very fast.

I didn’t realize until then that my next door neighbors, whose balcony borders right at mine and only a thin plastic wall separates us from seeing each other, had guests over and a barbecue. I could hear the chatting and sizzling of the grill.

[FFM] the camping trip (part 3)

She looked at me with a smirky smile, as she had something vicious planned. I wasn’t sure if that is the Claire I have known for a long time or somebody completely different. She was different. I’d never thought she’d be into girls, and here we were lying on the air mattresses, listening to music, and getting down on each other as it was business as usual.

“Close your eyes”, she demanded and don’t think, just enjoy what is coming next. I was lying in the center of the tent and there was space in any direction. I felt some fabric on my face and noticed that Clair was about to blindfold me. I liked the idea of not being able to see but sharpen my other senses as she fucks me. Her smell and her touch as well as her breath and moaning were a great turn on. She softly tied a bow behind my head and I felt her soft lips on my forehead. She switched off the little lamp which hardly illuminated the tent, but it was still possible it gave James a hint of what we might have been up to. Since it was supposed to get even more naughty I thought her idea was great. It was pitch black and I suppose it was although without being blindfolded.

[FFM] The camping trip (Part 2)

My pussy was already dripping wet at that time and the alcohol made me even more horny. The fact that James was here with us and might hear us was so arousing that when I thought about it my pussy twitched.

Claire and I went into the tent. The tent was equipped with two sleeping mats and sleeping bags as well as a little light which was just marginally illuminating the space. She was sitting across from me but our legs entangled as we were forming a W.
We have been friends since high school and we haven’t been this intimate. Sure, we went swimming, shopping and had sleep overs. I saw her private parts and she mine but it was platonic, while we were changing, never sexual.

I suddenly noticed Claire moving toward me and her face right in front of mine. “I guess we both want the same”, she whispered and switched off the light. With her hand she reached for her phone and started a playlist on Spotify to distract James from the moaning sounds which were soon to come.

[FFM] The camping trip (Part 1)

Quarantine sucks and so does the lock down. But this week was different. This week was fun again. The weather was nice and since my best friend Claire and her cousin James wanted to go camping and asked me if I wanted to come with them the week got even more exciting.

Claire for starters is the girl I fingered myself next to on my couch last weekend. And for those who have read my story they new that I got so turned on by her next to me that I thought about asking her to help me next time. Well, I suppose the camping trip was supposed to be my chance.

It was a shirt trip from Monday to Wednesday. But two days in a tent are actually enough.


Claire and James picked me up on Monday morning at eight o’clock. I was excited and had my backpack already packed sitting next to the door. I made myself a latte to go and waited outside on the patio for them to arrive. As I saw the ford pick up turning into my street I jumped up, took my backpack and walked slowly toward the ford.

[F] cumming next to my female friend

Hey people,

Sadly the pizza delivery guy didn’t show up yesterday evening. Maybe he’ll be back in Sunday :)!

Anyways, I had a friend over and we ordered the mentioned pizza and had a girls night. Watching movies, talking and having some wine. It was really nice since we hadn’t met for a while due to Corona.

I wouldn’t say I’m into her but she is beautiful and I was actually sexually energized the whole day. So when she arrived and I saw her wearing tight yoga pants and her boyfriend shirt I kind of felt a little rush through my body. Her butt shaped like an apple and her breast well just beautiful. I haven’t seen her naked but in underwear plenty of times when we went shopping. I didn’t have a plan or wanted to approach her sexually. Once I had something with a girl, it was great but it wasn’t like I was forcing myself into something with her or any girl.

[FM] the delivery guy with his pizza

I don’t know how to start here. First I’m happy to have found this subreddit. I believe I belong here. I’ve some stuff to write about.

Anyhow, I’m 20 living in a small apartment and as probably half of the world I like to order food. I’ve been living in that place for a year now and I have ordered food from this one particular pizza place. Ever since I started to order the same pizza delivery guy came and delivered the pizza. I don’t have to tell you that he is hot and I was taken away by his looks the first time I saw him. Great body posture and jawline. And the face. I wanted to sit on it. Well, I order probably a pizza twice a month and we have been flirting for the last couple of months. Since Corona I’ve been ordering more food and so this guy has been delivering more too.

Last week it was the time again. I ordered food he delivered it and I greeted him with my sleeping gown which is really short and nothing under. He got a glimpse of my thighs and cleavage. He was so sweet and blushed as he handed me the pizza. I invited him in as I knew from other conversations that his shift was over.

[F] MMM – Party turned into fuck fest (Update-more content)

Slutty people hiii,

So I added some new details on how they fucked me. Three *** means that I also part of the last post.

***Just found out about Reddit and made an account. I guess this subreddit is made for me and what I’ve experience so far. Let’s say until I was 18 my life was kind of boring. Then college and snap it began to get exciting. Sexually speaking of course. I grew up in a small farmish like town. Not much around to do. Not may guys to make out or even find hot. So maybe you can imagine how starting college must have been. Sensations and sensory overload. So many hot and handsome guys. Also girls.

As you probably know or maybe remember form your time in college, if you aren’t maxed out creepy there will be the time of your first sorority party. I lived in a house with 6 girls 19-24 and we had a lot of fun. Some where slutty and I had the impression they weren’t studying in order to get a degree but in order to fuck their way to the top.