Earning my nights sleep [FM]

A few years ago when we were all 19 a bunch of friends and I decided to pile into my friends Suburban and drive two hours to see a band we liked at the time (not mentioning for embarrassment factor). We got all stoked, dressed in our best 90’s wear, got high as fuck and went to the show.

It turned out to be more of a relaxed acoustic gig and we were bummed out and ready to dance, so we found a local club where we proceeded to get higher, drunker and dancier for a few hours not even thinking about the two hour drive back and that it was already 1 a.m.

The four of us huddle up and start trying to figure out a way not to sleep in the truck. Turns out Deliah’s brother lives on campus at the local college in the apartments, so at 2 a.m. now we’re calling this random guy and 10 minutes later we’re drunkenly banging through his dorm hallway.

You know, because of the implications [FM]

Last year my bf’s (Chris) boss, Daryl, invited us out on his boat. He’s kind of a rude old fuck and neither of us like him much, but Chris was up for a promotion that he really wanted and it seemed like good form to tag along when invited.

He picked us up at like 5am to make the drive to the marina and to stop and get bait and all that. By 7 am we were setting off from the docks and the bossman was already handing out beers.

This was the dead of summer so I wore the exact same bikini in my picture I just posted with a pair of cotton shorts over the top to hide my butt from the gawking eyes of the old fucker who made it pretty clear he was looking forward to staring at my ass during the trip. My bf didn’t say shit because, well bossman.

A dare from my older cousin turned a Halloween party into me cheating on my bf [FM]

When I was 19 my cousin (31), who I’m not that close to and only see once in a while, invited me to an early Halloween party being thrown by him and his girlfriend (24). I couldn’t really say no since it was so close to my school and he buys me a lot of wine and liquor to keep in my dorm, so I decided to show up early and leave early because usually his parties are pretty boring and filled with dudes in their mid-30s.

This was a few days before actual Halloween, so I told my BF I would go solo – he lives a few hours away and goes to a different school. He was totally fine with it because he knows my cousin really well and didn’t care.

I dug out my last years costume – a really generic sexy cop kind of outfit that was literally a black tight button up that I buttoned half way, a black cloth skirt, thigh highs with little badges on them and knee high boots. The year before I had a dildo shaped like a nightstick but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I settled on the fake squirt gun I had and put my hair back in a ponytail, it had just gotten to that length after shaving it a while before.

My night of cheating and bad decisions [FM]

One thing I don’t spend much time talking about on here is being bipolar. If you look at my history you’ll see a lot of drug-fueled stories filled with bad decisions, most of these happened when I’m in one of my manic phases. About once a year or so I get really manic, like over the top bad manic and pretty much spend a week trying to burn my life to the ground. I’m a lot better since I started therapy last year, but this went down a few years ago.

My sophomore year of college I moved out of the dorms and into the student apartments across the street. Each of the apartments had four rooms gathered around a kitchen and bathroom. The apartments were split by gender but the floors were all co-ed. So, I lived with three girls I wasn’t too fond of and had guys on each side of us. We didn’t really have a choice about neighbors and roommates which sucked, but we had our own kitchens and could come and go as we pleased, plus there were a ton of parties because security wasn’t always wandering around.

My best friend claimed my [FF] cherry while rolling

Lily and I go WAY back. When my family moved into this neighborhood, Lily was the first person I met. I think I was four or five at the time that I was playing in my backyard and the gate swung open and she came strolling in asking who I was and where the previous owner’s went. Apparently there was a girl that lived here that was her friend.

After like 30-seconds we became best friends, and it didn’t hurt that she literally lived one door down. Our folks also became really great friends and dinner together in the backyard was pretty much a weekly thing.

Fast forward a whole lot of years and we’re seniors in high school about to graduate and we found ourselves in the – totally ridiculous, now that I look back on it – PLUR Brigade. Seriously, we were those annoying af rave chicks that dressed up like crazy and went to every damn show and snuck in and talked dudes into buying us drugs and drinks and all of that starting when we were like 13.

Cheating (f18) with my roommates BF (22M) over Thanksgiving break in the dorms [MF]

I went to a very small liberal arts college in the middle of nowhere that was populated almost entirely by commuter students. The dorms held less than 50 people and every holiday they cleared out almost completely.

Since my sister and parents were doing Thanksgiving together at a cabin in Canada, and I couldn’t make it, I decided to camp out in the dorms. If anyone stays behind, an RA is forced to remain also, which I felt horrible about. The RA in question was my bitchy roommate’s boyfriend who I got along with just fine, but she hated me for some odd reason. Probably because I’m noisy or just don’t care about campus politics and drama, who knows?

Anyways, the first night campus was closed I was laying in bed watching Netflix on my laptop and Sam knocked on my door. (Something grossly cute about them is both of them are called Sam – Samuel and Samantha – gag) He flat out told me if he was going to be stuck making sure I didn’t burn down the dorms, I could at least drink with him. That first night we drank a box of wine and watched a few movies and I fell asleep curled up on a sleeping bag on the floor. I woke up at like 3am and he was asleep in his bed, so I left and went to mine.

My BF wanted to try being bi [FMM]

So, my BF is probably the kinkiest dude I know and is literally into everything under the sun sexually and introduced me to some whacky shit over the last six months. About a month ago I asked him if I could try pegging him, and he was down.

The strapon showed up from Amazon, we had a few drinks and by the end of the night I had him bent over the edge of the bed while I fucked his ass with a 7″ strapon. It was awesome. We got more and more into it over the next couple weeks. One time, he wore the strapon and double penetrated me and it was AMAZING – now that’s on the rotation haha.

Anywhoo, Rob and I hooked up with a friend of mine one night while rolling balls and had a great time. Afterwards he asked me if I’d ever had a threesome with two guys, especially bi-guys, and I had – but never bi guys. The few threesomes I’ve had with guys, they kind of stayed on the opposite sides of me and kept a distance. Especially the one with two brothers in high school.

The couple I babysit for invited me to a threesome [FMF]

My first summer off from college I was babysitting for some neighbors for extra cash, the folks were young parents, the dad was like 35, and the mom was 22, she was a senior when I was a freshman in high school so I knew her from back in the day but we weren’t close friends or anything. She had dated a few of my friends, so we were friendly. She met her husband her freshman year of college and they now had a 16 month old and were finally interested in going out on the town again.

I’d known the husband, John, because he owned the crossfit studio where I worked out at every day. His wife, Clara had been working there since college. They were a cute, super fit couple, and super down to earth and nice. Plus I’d babysit from 7pm to 1am or so and make $100 bucks, so I was happy with the arrangement we had.

The first time I was paid to have sex [FM]

For the last three years I’ve been working as a sex worker in my hometown. It all started my first year of college. I got to college as a pretty prude girl who had only had sex with my one boyfriend at that point. After a little exploration and meeting fun people, I quickly opened up and was having a blast. I went from only having quick, lights-off missionary sex with my high school boyfriend to threesomes and all kinds of crazy stuff.

Christmas break was coming up and I was talking about plans with my roommate, who we had gotten pretty close, and she told me she was going to stay around campus and work to save money. Up to that point all I knew about her work was it was at night and she’d come home around like 2am – I assumed she was a bartender and didn’t want to talk about it.

Coachella mind blower [FM]

So, waaaay back in 2014 on my 18th birthday, my boyfriend, Justin, coordinated with my parents and surprised me with tickets to Coachella, which is a big deal considering we live on the East Coast. We flew out to LA and met up with friends who were all heading out and were going to be camping. We picked up a used tent and drove out to the fucking desert, which I’d never even seen before, let alone camped in.

Our friends, Kay and Dave, used to live near us in NC and we went to high school together, but they both moved to UCLA together for college. We got on the road in Dave’s SUV early in the morning, coffee’d up and drove out.

It took forever and when we got there they were searching people like crazy, worse than at airports. We got out of the cars, took our gropings like adults, and let them look through our stuff. There were a lot of people around us who had a definite druggy look, and they got searched harder, but I got off with a fairly easy crotch grab and tit poke from an older woman.