My next submissive adventure with Heather [MF]

About a month had past since I was able to hang out with Heather again, outside of Munches, and in that time life had happened to both of us. Things got busy with her for work, and things in my own life had gotten busy for me going to college. I wasn’t surprised when Heather texted me, as we had been texting on and off since our last scene together. What surprised me was she wanted me to come over to her place in a few days that Friday. She wanted to have a nice afternoon, or more, just hanging out and talking. Or so she said. The reason it surprised me was the next Munch was the upcoming Munch. As you can imagine I didn’t take long to reply ‘Yes’, and then immediately be curious about what she wanted to do.

First time being a sub to a woman [MF]

Meeting Heather was just like meeting anyone else at a Meet Up type group. Except for this was a Munch and she was a little over 20 years my senior. Being 23 and talking to a 45 year old knock out about kink, fetishes, and sex was a new experience for me. I wasn’t used to talking to adults like adults, and having them treat me the same. It was a little odd with the age difference, but that was what also made it exciting.

Life was going well for me. I was going to community college, working a day job, and my social life was in transition and changing. So like any other horny as fuck 23 year old man I fell down a rabbit hole and decided to seek out others to find out if I’d be into kink. Now I’d done some experimenting a couple of years before with an older male friend, but no one in the area or outside of that room knew. So, when Heather pulled me aside after chatting in groups the last few Munches I figured it was good sign.

Losing my Bisexual Virginity [MM]

It all happened when I was 21 and stuck in my hometown. I had just been brutally broken up with a few months earlier and was still devastated by it. Out of nowhere a good friend of mine pulls me aside and, out of character for him, asks if he can ask me a question and keep it between us. Not having a reason to distrust him I tell him sure. He then asks if he can fuck me.

I was blindsided. I had no idea how to respond. I stood there for a moment and tried to pick out words, any words, of “No… Maybe…I’m not sure?” which surprised me as I was 100% straight! He realized I needed some time to think about it and told me to just let him know and his next Saturday was free. For that or just to hang out.