my [f] tinder date tries to raise my heartrate.

We had made plans for that night, actually. We wanted to go out for drinks. The day before he texted me, they had an emergency at work and he had to work late and cancel on me. I was bummed, but we rescheduled and I didn’t think much of it any more.

As came the evening and I get a text from him. We talk a bit and he tells me he’s going to watch a movie after work. I said if it’s a good movie I’d come over.

Five minutes later I’m in my car, almost regretting saying yes, it was late and I was pretty tired already.

He came and got me from the street I parked in cause his apartment was hard to find. I was pleasantly surprised, he looked even better than in the pictures. We went up, he said coming from work he wanted to take a shower, so I played with his cat while he did.

He came back and talked a bit, and he put a movie on. We didn’t watch half of it, but because we were talking and actually getting along great. Comfortable from the beginning.