
*”You get started. I’ll be there soon to finish you off.”*

He never thought that would work, but it was worth a shot.

They’d been texting on and off all morning. Getting little more dirty, a little more brazen, he thought he would go for broke and she what she was willing to do.

They’d met discretely at lunch before, but there was something in her tone that day that sent chills up and down his arms and his spine and in his hair. She was on the attack, or so it seems, and she was ready for a fuck. A solid, hard, hot, fuck.

Each of their availability had dwindled in the previous weeks, with the only times they could meet were during the short lunchtime sessions or early in the mornings before work. In any case, they still tried to make it a priority to see each other. Things between them were hotter than ever, so it was just a matter of time before they figured out a way to see each other.

The anticipation.

My first post here [MF]

It had all the cliches.

A scheduled arrangement.  Two consenting adults, away from their own worlds and into another.  One night to spend.  One night to remember.

She had meetings all day.  Conferences.  Presentations.  Luncheons.  More meetings.  It dragged on for centuries inside of the hours, feeling like a hundred years’ war in the span of a single work day. All in one of the more posh hotels in the city.

He woke up, just like any other day.  Went to his normal job, but today had higher lack of productivity that normal. His mind was on something else.  It was on her.  Solely focused on her.

Today was a different day for both of them.  Since her day was commandeered by others, and his mind was wondering in many other places than his tasks at hand, very little communication happened between them.  While the typical days had them checking in hourly with each other, this day’s schedule kept that away, making that anticipation deeper.

As soon as he felt comfortable enough to leave, he gathered his things up at his desk, bid his coworkers a good evening, and headed towards that city.

My first submission here

It had all the cliches.

A scheduled arrangement.  Two consenting adults, away from their own worlds and into another.  One night to spend.  One night to remember.

She had meetings all day.  Conferences.  Presentations.  Luncheons.  More meetings.  It dragged on for centuries inside of the hours, feeling like a hundred years’ war in the span of a single work day. All in one of the more posh hotels in the city.

He woke up, just like any other day.  Went to his normal job, but today had higher lack of productivity that normal. His mind was on something else.  It was on her.  Solely focused on her.

Today was a different day for both of them.  Since her day was commandeered by others, and his mind was wondering in many other places than his tasks at hand, very little communication happened between them.  While the typical days had them checking in hourly with each other, this day’s schedule kept that away, making that anticipation deeper.

As soon as he felt comfortable enough to leave, he gathered his things up at his desk, bid his coworkers a good evening, and headed towards that city.