Using Guerilla Warfare on my husband [26M] to get me [26F] Knocked Up. [MF] [Kink/light bondage] [Deception] [Romance]

I have been lurking here for sooo long, and I love reading these stories. After quite a bit of help from my Husband, I have written what I think is a pretty good account of some of our stories together, he audited them adding in quite a bit more detail. I won’t post them in chronological order, more in an order of preference, which I hope will work out


The only thing I was hoping Mark would change after we got married was his attitude towards having children. I always wanted two while I was still young, hopefully during our first year of residency. Mark wasn’t thrilled about having any but was open to it, just wanting to push it off. I, like many women, attributed this to his pre-marital nervousness about the loss of some masculine freedom with having children, hoping he would grow up when he got married. He did not.

Several weeks before our wedding, I stopped taking my birth control in hopes that our wedding night would result in a pregnancy. While we did have amazing, life changing (unprotected) sex on our special night, it was late during my luteal phase so nothing came of it. After that, Mark told me he wasn’t ready to be dad, and started pulling out for sex. Here’s a story of my struggles over the next year.