[F] 19 Tinder Slut

Once upon a time I fucked 2 guys in one week. This is one.

I had made plans with this guy I met on tinder. At that point in my life all of my tinder dates where dick appointments. He said he was coming at like 11pm so it was a safe bet. He was white(I’m Latina),a little bit older than me, went to a prestigious college in my city and acted as such. He has dressed really nice when he came by.

I prepped for him by downing Jameson 🤷🏽‍♀️ whiskey was my kryptonite back then. I rubbed my pussy a little too so I could be wet and horny when he got there.

When he got there we chatted for a bit as he had his drink and I finished mine. He told me to finish my drink and then we would play. The way he like told me to do it as if I had to listen woke something up inside me that has stayed with me since. It made me crazy.

I sucked his dick while he called me a good girl. And he fucked me in the ass after. Hard, I barely remembered when I woke up but I sure felt it.